Chapter Four

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**Listen to Sugar by Maroon5 it gave me inspiration for this chapter......don't ask why lol __________________________________

His eyes.

His eyes were all I could think about. The vibrant blue green, that I want to get lost in every time I think about them. Carter had already went home, but he was gonna come back tonite. I hope. I'm really happy with how everything ended earlier. Like extremely happy.


Flashback:Three hours earlier

"I love you, Emma." Carter says and I look at him strangely. "I love you too Carter. Why are you so nervous to tell me though? We've said it like a hundred times." I ask him. I don't consider the possibility that he might be meaning as something deeper than just a friendship, because there is no way in hell I'm lucky enough to have this beautiful person love me like that. "Because when we said it before, I meant as a friend. But when I said it this time I mean it as way more than a friend." Carter whispers and it takes a minute before what Carter is saying sinks in. Tears come to my eyes when it finally hits me. "Baby girl, don't cry. Its okay. It doesn't have to change anything. I promise." Carter grabs a hold of me and pulls me into his lap. I lay my head on his chest until he finishes what he's saying. I shot straight up. "Why doesn't it have to change anything?" "Because I get that you don't feel the same and it's okay. It hurts, I'm not gonna lie, but I'll get over it." Carter says. "What if I do? What if I don't want you to get over it?"

I ask as I feel the tears suddenly dry up. "Do you feel the same way, Emma?" Carter asks and I a small smile makes its way onto my face. I simply nod and the biggest smile I have ever seen moves into place on Carter's face. Ring ring. Carter's phone goes off and he sends me a small smile as he answers it. Its mama Reynolds. "Hi mama Reynolds." I say through the phone." Emma, darling, hi. You'll have to come over soon I haven't seen you in forever." "Of course." I answer back. Then she says something to Carter that I don't catch. "Uhh sure ma I'll be over soon." He says before he hangs up. "Mom needs me to do some stuff so I've gotta go but I'll be back later tonite. Okay?" "Okay. That's fine." He kisses my for head before getting his stuff together and heading home.

____________________________________Present time

I hear the door shut and I yell, "Jocelyn is that you?" "No, it's your mother." "Okay. Do you have to work tonite?" "No. And your sister and Adam are staying the night." "Okay. Well can Carter stay the night please?" I ask as I give her the best puppy dog eyes and pouty lips I can. She gives me a knowing look and says, "He can but I expect this bedroom door to stay open and absolutely no funny business at all." "And I will be checking on you repeatedly."

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