The One and Only Chapter

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"Hiroshi wake up! Time for school! Korra you have a meeting with Raiko at twelve! C'mon people wake up! Breakfast is ready!" The usual crazy Wednesday morning was to early to be real for a certain avatar.

"Sjgsb" she mumbled before rolling out of bed, then catching herself on a bubble of air.

"KORRA!!" Asami screamed from the kitchen. "The waffles will get cold! I made them myself!" That was another thing to look forward to. Not only was it February (the Monday of all months), Asami had been working on learning how to cook! She said "it's important that when raising a family you do it, not the servants," that was all good and well, if you could cook.

Now Korra loved Asami, she really did. But she managed to burn water once! Water! Even Hiroshi had begun to skip out on meals, opting instead to eat before he came home at a café.

No one has dare make fun of her cooking, Korra may be an all powerful avatar, and Hiroshi may be a fire bending prodigy, but nothing was scarier than Asami in a bad mood.

She rolled herself down the stairs as she did every morning "kerf lump, kerf lump, kerf lump, kerf lump." She dragged herself to kitchen where she ate undercooked bread with maple syrup.

"Korra, honey, I know you're not a morning person but please try and make an effort." Asami said motioning toward Hiroshi with her eyes.

"Know what I'm also not? A mover star."

"Mom?" Hiroshi said in a tiny voice.

"Korra I don't need that this morning. I have a huge meeting-"

"I'll bet you have a huge meeting."

"Mom?" Still quiet enough to ignore it.

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

"Like you don't know."

"Stop acting like an ignorant child!" Her restrained voice became a shout.

"I'm so ignorant? Oh really? If I'm so dumb how come I know about you and mako? Big meeting my ass!" She had been holding it in for weeks. finally it slipped out.


"Dismissing all the servants so they won't see you sneaking him in! 'It's important that when raising a family you do it not your servants.' Complete shit!" Korra didn't care about what would happen, if Asami didn't love her, than why should she love Asami.


"Just get the hell out of my house." Korra turned away, her tone icy cold.


"Cmon Hiroshi, I'll drive you to school." Asami grabbed her bag and Hiroshi's hand and they walked out the door together. A tear slipped down Korra's face, but she vowed never to lose one over her again. She got up and packed her clothes up in her small tight brown suit case.

The one reserved for fighting across lands. She walked out and into republic city, tasting the air.

Intended many years ago, by Avatar Aang and Councilman Sokka, to be a town of beginnings, now was just another ending.

Asami would run back into the very open arms of Mako, and she and Hiroshi would live happily ever after.

She found herself taking a boat off the mainland, sailing straight to air temple island.

Not wanting to face the inhabitants, Korra slipped in though the back entrance. She collapsed into the bed of her old room when she stayed there and lay there for a long time.

A single flame, a steady blue, flicked out of her finger. No one needed the avatar anymore anyways. Asami proved that.
She stared at that flame for so long everything whited out.

"I don't think I could've stood losing you and my father in the same day." a tear trickled down the pale face.

"I'm so sorry about that." and the darker women embraced her.

"When did you get in?" Everything began to clear.

"Jinora?" Korra mumbled, still trying to make sense of her recent image.

"Yeah, why are you fire bending?" Korra flicked it out quickly, she had no urge to kill herself anymore.

"No reason. I just got in a little while ago. Sorry I'm surprising you, I just need a place to stay for a couple of days. Is that okay?" Jinora seemed to have a billon questions, but bit her tongue.

"Just you then?"


"I'll tell Melo to set another place." she said shrugging. Korra could tell she wanted answers, and she was thankful she didn't demand it.

"I'll be down in a minute, let me just unpack."

"Sure. Oh, and if you hear noises, Kai's staying over tonight." Jinora said, lingering by the door.

"Ah. Use protection at least." Korra told Jinora with a smirk.

"Honestly you're worse then Pema!" Korra raised her eyebrows.

"Mom, I mean mom!"
Korra sighed.

"You're going through that stage? Ug. Late twenties? You think your all that! Don't worry, you grow out of it."

"Whatever." Jinora said, leaving.
I flopped back on my bed and blacked out again.

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