Chapter 6: part one

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I was alone, for a while. The tranquillity of the royal garden filled me with peace, allowing me to forget my uneasiness. I wished to stay behind these comforting curtains, away from the peering, merciless eyes. But I know I must go back out sooner or later and dance with a few more gentlemen, hopefully, more pleasant than his highness had been.

It's not that it was horrible, you can't deny that his face is pleasant to the eye, but his narcissistic attitude is overbearing.

I scoff, he really called me 'boring'. Did it ever occur to him that I simply might not have enjoyed the conversation?

A sliver of light peers from the once closed curtains. A hear a clack and turn to face a young girl. She seemed flustered as though she knew she was intruding.

"I believe closed curtains means one does not want to be disturbed". She was rather gorgeous. Although her clothes were modest, her curves could not be so well hidden. Her face was bright, with gold-brown eyes that glimmered in the light and cheeks dusted with freckles.

"I'm sorry to disturb your Lady De Morée" The girl smiled faintly, "if it's alright with you, are we able to have a chat? I'm sure my knowledge would be essential for you to survive this den of wolves." Her face grimaced with seriousness. Perhaps she could be an ally, I didn't think she was lying, after all, it seemed as though she wore her heart on her sleeve, with her expressions vibrantly changing. I sigh.

"very well" I close the curtain behind her. "I could use some intel....and a friend." She meets my smile.

"I am Cecelia Willol, it's an honour to make you acquaintance "she curtsied.


ah yes, another short chapter.... the updating is unpredictable, I apologise :')

Limerence  - Izana x OCWhere stories live. Discover now