Chapter 3

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The journey home from Dayrelia was a long one. By carriage it took a week to get to the eastern border of Clarines. at this rate I'll be back home by nightfall. the idea of finally be home with father made me squeal with excitement. I needed to find something to do to make time go faster. Perhaps I could take a nap...well I don't think I could sleep anymore then I already have. My eyes wonder to a basket that one of the maids had placed in the carriage for me. Maybe there's something in there I could use. My eyes lit up. It was filled with books! I can't believe I didn't notice it any earlier. I start reading the titles and blurbs for each of them until a certain title caught my attention. The two-faced prince and the mischievous lady. the title made me giggle.

"Ahhh I wonder if a romance like that will be waiting for me." I cup my cheeks and blush at all the thoughts that went through my mind. I heard there are many good-looking men in Clarines. I flick the front cover over and begin what later will become an obsession.

A girl can't help herself from cheesy romances ~

Izana's POV:

"your highness, a letter from her majesty has arrived for you." A young man placed an envelope in front of me. With only a few days until the ball and a rather disruptive rumour that seems to be the main topic in every conversation in the capital, the castle has been rather hectic. I open my mother's letter and start to read it. A few sentences caught my attention in particular.

"I'm sure you've heard that rumour about Duke Francis having a daughter. Knowing you, you wouldn't believe it but it's actually true. I myself had no idea of this young ladies' existence prior but I sent a letter to the Duke himself and he confirmed it. I must be careful with what I say it seems, I wouldn't want to jinx someone."

I can hear her laughing through the paper. It will many years until she lets this past.

I place the letter down and walk over to the window. I lean against it as I watch soldiers down below practicing. Among them I spot Zen and his aides. I wonder what the duke's daughter is like. I had never heard anything from Percival, though he always would leave at one o'clock and I thought that weird. Perhaps he saw her then. I am intrigued to see what type of girl she is and why she's been kept a secret for so long. I can understand why the late Duchess pregnancy wasn't revealed but hiding her existence for seventeen won't be easy for her to just slip in our society at such an age. I continue to watch Zen as he tries to beat Mitsuhide in a spar. I find it quite amusing watching him. I raise my hand and signal for a servant.

"yes, your highness?" the same young man bows as he waited for my response.

"I would like you to find out as much as you can about the De Morée's mysterious daughter. Do you know what her name is?" he pondered for a bit before responding.

"apparently her name is.... Well the name everyone addresses her as is Gertrude...the Duke himself hasn't mentioned whether that's her real name or not..." I scoff at his reply. Gertrude...what an ugly name. so far, all the rumours I've heard about her are rather negative. An ugly, dumb girl which was why she's called Gertrude. I can't say that I actually believe in those rumours but my expectations for lady"Gertrude" are not very high.

Anastasia's POV:

"we're nearly home my lady. if you look out the window you can see the mansion." I take a peek outside of the curtains. The sun is slowly setting over the distant mountains. I take a deep breath as I watch the place that will soon be my home. Butterflies flutter in my stomach as we reach the gate. The carriage proceeds after a short stop at the gates to the mansion. I grip my dress as we come to our final halt of the journey. With another deep breath I stand up, a man opens the carriage door and I grab the hand that was waiting for me. I step outside and look to the person whom I was holding hands with. It was papa. I feel the tears wanting to burst but I hold them back with all my might.

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