chapter two:

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Anastasias POV :

"Anna have you finished packing yet?" I brush my thumb over the picture of my family. Rose, my friend enters the room and sits beside me on the bed. 

"I can't believe it's been seven years since I've seen them." Tears fill me eyes as I look back up at Rose. a weary smile spreads across her face as her arms pull me into an embrace. 

"I'm really going to miss you Anna" we've been best friends for what seems like forever. we got into trouble, laughed and cried together. it breaks my heart that we have to go separate ways.

"I'll write to you as often as possible." we both stand up and I give Rose one last hug. 

"Make sure you tell me about any cute gentlemen you meet. It's been so long since we've seen any good looking fellas" oh Rose, i hope you always stay like this. We both giggle at her comment and walk outside to where my carriage is. I look back one last time and wave. 

"You'll always be my best friend Rose!" tears trickle down my face. Whether they were tears of joy or sadness I will never know. I was so excited to go home but also saddened as I have to leave this place where so many happy memories lie. Rose smiles through her tears as she waves back to me. I step into the carriage and my journey home begins.

Now that I think about it, my father has kept my existence a secret. It's a bit weird that I'm a legitimate daughter of a duke yet no ones knows it. I look outside, the view takes my breath away. my eyes are met with luscious green, rolling hills covered in what seemed like dandelions. it was smoothing to the eyes. I've never really traveled before. When I came to St Afra's school many years go, was the last time I travelled in carriage like this. I rested my head on the window as my eyes grew heavier. 

"I can't wait to see father again"  I closed my eyes hoping to reach home faster. 

izanas POV:

The cold breeze nips at my nose. It's been so long since I last saw my mother. I smile as a familiar   face appears before me. It's Zakura, my mothers assistant. 

"It pleases me to see you well your highness." He and two others behind him bow. 

"Yes," I sigh," Is mother in her office? I believe she wanted to see me the moment I arrived" Zakura grinned. 

"Indeed she is." Lord Zakura guides me down a hallway and knocks on the last door. 

"Your majesty, Prince Izana has arrived!" he opens the door and I spot mother sitting at her desk.  Her head rests on her intwined hands, smiling happily, waiting for me to enter. 

"How have you been my cute little prince?" she hummed as she waited for me to respond. She's always been like this, it's a habit of hers to tease Zen and I the few times she sees us. 

"I am doing quite well, how about yourself, your majesty?" I take a seat on a royal blue sofa, sitting  to the right from where my mother is. 

" So besides me doing a checkup on this place, I believe you wanted to talk about somethings, no?" I cross my arms and sigh as I watch my mothers face brighten up. It was obvious what she wanted to talk about. 

"Of course Izana!" rising from her seat, she sat down in front of me on a matching chair, crossing her legs she looked at me and smiled again. 

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