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JULY 16TH, 2016:

You were cleaning in your room wiping down the dust that piled up on the top of your dresser while listening to some music. It was just a regular day like always, you're either doing nothing or working out in the training room unless Tony or Steve calls someone up for a mission.

The music from your phone was turned up to max volume so you couldn't really hear anything. Vision, like always, walked through your bedroom wall instead of knocking. You didn't hear him come in since you were too busy listening to music with earphones on.

He lightly touched your shoulder and turned you around. "Mr. Stark wanted me to announce to everyone that there will be a meeting in the living room - "

When you feel someone touch your shoulder, you immediately jump and scream. Until you turned around, you realized that it was just Vision.

"Vision!" You snarled.

You put your hand over your chest to feel your heart beating rapidly. After you sighed, you took off your earphones and dropped everything you were holding down to talk.

"Look Vision, I know you have these cool powers that you had when you were first born into - into you," you gestured, "but you have to stop walking through the walls of my bedroom when you want or need to talk to me."

"Oh right, sorry for my mistakes Y/N. I promise not to do that again. But back to what I was telling you, Mr. Stark wants everyone in the living room for a meeting in five minutes." He apologized.

"It's alright, but please remember not to do that again. I almost got a heart attack and yes I'll be there in a few minutes, I just have to put these away." You sighed.

You watched Vision walk out your bedroom using your actual door this time. He's walked through in your room through the walls a couple of times. Vision always managed to scare you everytime he did it. Even though it wasn't his intention to scare you at all.

He's practically done it to everyone, but mainly to Wanda. Though she doesn't mind it as much as others. The person who truly gets mad is Sam. You make a small laugh to yourself thinking of the time Vision walked up behind Sam.

"Hey meeting in the living room." Natasha said, peeping her head through your door.

"Yeah, I'm coming. Just one second." You say.


"Alright I see that finally all of you have arrived." Tony rolled his eyes.

"Listen man, we gotta deal with our own lives too Tony." Sam murmured to himself, he turned around and rolled his eyes.

Tony tilted his head forward and winked at Sam. "And we have to deal with saving the world Samuel. Now I need all your attention up here please" He snapped his fingers and pointed to himself.

"Another mission?" Asked Steve.

"Uh yeah Steve, what other reason would I be calling all of you here for?" Tony huffed. "Will all of you just shut your mouth for like a minute. I'm trying to talk here."

Your head turns to Natasha and both of you catch each other smirking. Making small laughs quietly as you all listen to Tony.

"Okay I'm dividing all of you into groups for different missions, why you may ask? Because I can." Tony smiled.

"Just get straight to the point Tony." Steve sighed.

"Well I was about to, but you interrupted me Rogers." He scoffed.

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