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JULY 19th, 2016:

You fixed yourself to turn your body around, but Bucky's metal arm pulled you back around. The left side of your face hit his chest gently, that's what woke you up. You blinked a couple of times before realizing what was happening.

You gasped as you stood yourself up. Wiping your hair off your face, you look around the room and got yourself together.

"What time is it?" You whispered to yourself, leaning back on the bed and reached for your phone.

It was 7:33 in the morning.

Your head moves back down to look at Bucky sleeping soundly. His right arm was leaning on top of the pillow you used to rest your head. You could hear his quiet snore as well as some faint chirps from birds outside of the window.

You couldn't help but to smile at him. His dark brown hair was a little bushy, it almost looked like fluff. You've never seen him sleep before. Steve always told you secretly that Bucky had a hard time sleeping during the night. But now, he was. He looked so precious, his nude pink lips were perfectly aligned together.

You shook your head and sighed. "Focus Y/N. . . you're on a mission, focus."

You push the blanket away from your legs and get out. Walking in the bathroom, you take a quick shower and change into a casual but classy outfit for a little lunch with someone you were told to meet up with.

You wore a fitted black long sleeve square neck top with some high waisted khaki wide trousers. As you finished fixing your hair up in a semi messy low bun, you put on your wedding ring and grab your phone to go downstairs.

When you walked down, you smelled fresh eggs and bacon. "Hm, what is that delicious meal that I smell?"

Bucky turned his head around and greeted you a morning while managing to cook some bacon. "How was your sleep last night?"

"It was totally not as bad as I thought it would be, the mattress Tony picked out is soft." You say down on the high chair in front of the counter. "How was yours?"

"Yeah I slept good too. God, I haven't slept that well in a long time." He chuckled.

"That's nice to hear, I'm glad you got a lot of rest." You said, taking a sip of orange juice.

"What's up with the outfit?" He asked, pouring the cooked bacon on a clean place.

"I have to meet up with one of the Managers from the Museum for this I guess 'job interview'." You put fake quotes up.

"What are you doing after that?"

"I don't know, maybe take a stroll in town. Check out the shops there." You grabbed a piece of bacon and put it on top of your plate with some eggs as Bucky sits next to you.

"I was thinking, since you know my interview for the carpenter job isn't till tomorrow, maybe you wanna go together to visit town? Only if you want to." Bucky slid in before taking a bit of his food.

You nodded in agreement. "Yeah, that's perfect actually. Maybe we'll meet some people around the neighborhood. Get a bit of information about the Lloyd family."

"Great, that's great." He smiled.

You two started eating your breakfast until you were both interrupted with knocking coming from the front door. You look up at Bucky as he does the same to you.

You wiped your face with a napkin and said, "you're ring. Do you have it on your finger?"

"Shoot, no it's upstairs on top of your vanity. Hold on let me get it." He stood up and ran quickly upstairs to grab his ring.

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