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It's been a couple of hours since you last saw Bucky with his new haircut, you've just been busy with yourself, packing more things for the mission. You didn't know how long this whole situation was going to last.

All day you have been browsing the internet for inspiration on how married women dressed up, all you wanted was to look your best. To not get caught. No one else knew the type of mission you and Bucky were doing, only knew that you two had been assigned one.

Back to you, biting your bottom lip, looking through more pictures and taking notes for yourself. You were so focused you didn't realize that it was already time for Natasha to leave. You took a sip of your water and looked at the time on your phone.

It read 4:51 P.M.

You curse a bit to yourself and get up to leave your room. As you walked through the halls, you looked around to see if anybody else was around. But it seemed like they were all there outside greeting Natasha and Clint a safe trip.

Feeling a bit guilty, you cross your arms over your chest and make an innocent smile at Natasha. "Hey."

"There you are, I was wondering where you were." She stepped forward and gave you a tight hug.

"Sorry, I got too ahead over researching for something." You rubbed her back, "why do you have to leave so early, I'm gonna miss you."

"Wondering the same thing," Natasha pulled away. "But I don't make the rules around here. I'll be back in no time, don't worry." She smiles.

Wanda walked up behind you, "Vision told me the pilot is ready to take off."

"Thanks Wanda, I'll miss having magical talks with you, but I'll see you soon." Natasha went in for a hug.

"Me too," chuckled Wanda.

"Don't forget girls, I'm here too." Clint interjected.

"Oh Clint, I didn't forget about you." You chuckled and gave him a side hug.

"You sure?" He looked down at you.

You make a laugh, "yes I'm sure."

"Okay, time for you two to leave." Tony interrupted the group and ushered the two to the jet.

You walked over to Bucky who was standing next to Sam. You exchanged smiles and watched the jet take off. The jet blew a cold dust of wind through you and the others, making you shiver a bit.

Wanda and some others, including you, waved at the jet leaving.

"Phew, glad they're finally gone." He pretended to wipe sweat off his forehead.

"Tony even though that was a joke, it wasn't very kind." Wanda commented walking back to the main entrance door.

"I know my sarcastic side is too much, but that's just who I am." He winked.

You chuckled quietly and followed behind Wanda.


JULY 18TH, 2016:

"Ms. Y/L/N it's time to wake up." FRIDAY announced.

You groan and ignore her call.

"It's twenty-five past five in the morning. Your alarm is set to turn off in five minutes." FRIDAY continued.

"Really. . . " You say in a very tired and raspy voice, "FRIDAY are you really going to wake me up five minutes before my actual alarm?"

A hard and long sigh was made by you as you face your body towards the ceiling and yawn. It took a bit for you to actually be able to open your eyes. You look outside to your right and realize it's still dark outside.

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