Chapter Twenty One: Return

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  Izuku put All for One in a little cage, and picked it up by the handle on top. There was a rumble from the Nomu factory area, which Izuku went to investigate.

  Mount Lady, Best Jeanist and Tiger were there, alongside several other pro heroes.

  "Oh look, the pro heroes. Sure is lucky I dealt with you before they got here huh?" Izuku asked.

  He shook the cage, earning a torrent of squeals that were probably better off untranslated.

  Izuku was noticed by Best Jeanist.

  "Midoriya? Are you alright?" The stylish hero asked, approaching carefully.

  Izuku nodded.

  "I'm fine. The League of Villain's leader is dead. The room seven doors down to the left, you'll find his body. The guinea pig stays with me. Nezu will want to talk to it." He said.

  The hero just nodded, putting his finger to his ear.

  "We have Midoriya. Apparently he dealt with the leader himself." There was a pause. "Of course."

  Best Jeanist turned back to Izuku.

  "What is Nezu? We need to know if you are who you say you are." He asked.

  Izuku chuckled.

  "He is part rat, part bear, part dog and part mouse. A chimera of sorts."

  Best Jeanist nodded as he received confirmation from the comms.

  "Follow me Midoriya. Nezu is waiting for you at the second site." He said.


  Izuku stepped out of the Jeanistmobile, approaching Nezu, who was amongst several police officers and heroes. Shigaraki and the rest of the league were being bundled into an armoured truck, to be taken away to Tartarus prison.

  Nezu hopped off the stool he was stood on and approached his friend.

  "Izuku! I am glad you are okay. What-"

  He was interrupted by several squeaks from the cage Izuku was holding. The greenette just put a finger to his lips, which Nezu understood.

  That didn't stop the genii from staring at the guinea pig, cackling maniacally.

  "I will ask how you were able to do this later. For now.. well he's not really a threat anymore is he?" Nezu said.

  Izuku chuckled.

  "Nope. I won't kill him, that's too easy." Izuku leered at the small caged animal. "I'll let him live like this for a while. I want to mess with him."

  All Might emerged from the building they had raided to capture the league.

"Young Midoriya! I am glad you are alright! I apologise, but there is another matter to deal with. Nezu, has there been any word of.. him?" The hero asked.

  Izuku coughed, while Nezu burst into another fit of evil laughter.

  "Indeed. It would appear Izuku was able to defeat him." He said. "Best Jeanist retrieved the body just moments ago!"

  All Might hesitated for a second.

  "I-im sorry? I don't believe I heard you correctly."

  Nezu chuckled.

  "Oh you did All Might. All for One is dead."

  All Might stared at Izuku.

  "H-How??" He asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2021 ⏰

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