Chapter Nine: 1A

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  Izuku slid his laptop into his bag, grabbing a pair of notebooks and his pencil case, putting them into the bag alongside his lunch.

  The greenette did his tie in the mirror, and headed through to the dining table where Eri and Inko were already having breakfast.

  "Do you have everything ready?" Inko asked as Izuku grabbed a piece of toast.

  Izuku nodded, hopping on one foot and slipping his shoes on, mouth blocked by the toast.

  Eri laughed at Izuku as he spun around the room, collecting up all of his bits and pieces from last night.

  Izuku crammed the last bit of toast into his mouth and swallowed.

  "I'm going to be late, the 8:30 train was cancelled because of yesterday's attack!"

  Izuku raced into his room and grabbed his bag, then walked to the front door.

  "Do you have everything?"

  "Yes mum."

  "Do you have extra tissues?"

  "Yes mum, I'm going to be late!"


  Izuku turned to his mother, his eyebrows raised.

  "I'm really proud of you." She said, on the verge of tears.

  Izuku smiled.

  "Thanks mum."

  Eri reached up and hugged Izuku.

  "Have fun Izuku!" She said.

  Izuku hugged the girl back, planting a kiss on her forehead.

  "I will. I'll be back later Eri!"

  The greenette opened the door and left, waving as he ran to the station.


  Izuku walked briskly through UA's gates, heading through the corridors towards Nezu's office.

  Izuku found the door and opened it, entering the large room.

  "Deku! Right on time! Aizawa is taking class 1A out to the field for a quirk test instead of orientation. You can go and watch if you like, just let him know you're in class 1Z." Nezu said.

  Izuku set his bag down, taking his notebooks and a handful of pencils out.

  "Thanks Rat. Have fun tormenting the rest of the school." Izuku said.

  Nezu chuckled.

  "Oh I will. I've got an hour long speech about fur grooming prepared."

  Both genii cackled maniacally as they left the room, heading in opposite directions.

  Izuku walked down the corridor, stopping outside classroom 1A. There was a yellow caterpillar laying on the floor outside the door.

  "Who are you? You aren't one of my students." The caterpillar said, rolling around to face him.

  Izuku wore a Nezu approved shit eating grin.

  "I'm the sole member of class 1Z."

  The caterpillar's eyes widened, then it stood up, unzipping down the middle.

  A disheveled man stepped out of the sleeping bag.

  "You're Nezu's personal student?" Aizawa asked.

  Izuku chuckled.

  "The very same."

  The hero sighed, turning back to the door.

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