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"Earlier, were you watching us?" Rick questions the newcomer warily, distrustful of the pastor's words and character.

"I keep to myself. Nowadays, people are just as dangerous as the dead, don't you think?" Father Gabriel replies as he leads the way to his church.

"No, people are worse."

"Well, I wasn't watching you. I haven't been beyond the stream near my church more than a few times since it all started. That was the furthest I've gone before today."

I snicker to myself. "That explains a lot." Beside me, Rosita lets out a quiet laugh of her own.

"Or maybe I'm lying. Maybe I'm lying about everything and there's no church ahead at all." The priest rambles on, "Maybe I'm leading you into a trap so I can steal all your squirrels."

The group doesn't take kindly to his so-called 'joke.' Rick's steps fall short and his already cold eyes turn to stone.

"Members of my flock had often told me that my sense of humor leaves much to be desired." Gabriel gulps nervously, unable to stand still with all the unimpressed people staring back at him.

"Yeah, it does." Daryl comments snidely.

Gabriel turns around to keep us moving, running right into a branch in the process. The rest of the way, he doesn't speak another word— let alone try another attempt at comedy.

It only takes a few more paces to get to the clearing in the woods. The church is stood tall, lonely, seemingly a ways away from any town or city, and all white and relatively untouched. It reminds me of the church outside of Atlanta and the days spent chasing a ghost through the forrest.

On our way to the entrance, we pass the welcoming sign. Saint Sarah's Church, it reads. Episcopal. It's simple, hand-crafted. This place was built for the people, by the people, but now there's only one of them left.

Gabriel walks up the steps and is ready to open the door to welcome us when Rick interjects; "Hold up. Can we take a look around first? We just want to hold on to our squirrels."

Rick holds out his hand, a demand soft around the edges. The keys are given up easily.

I follow suit behind Rick, my brother doing the same. With the three of us wielding our weapons, Rick unlocks the door and we push inside together.

WHEN THEY COME, glenn rhee²Where stories live. Discover now