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Another day, another problem.

Shortly after the party, the power grid started acting up. I hadn't thought of it as a major hindrance, merely a small obstacle I could step over, but not all the Alexandrian's thought of it that way. To them, this was debilitating.

I toss my backpack into the back of the van, the rest of the run crew doing the same. Despite the good sleep I had gotten, I'm still exhausted. I can't even stop the yawn before it comes out.

"Long night with Glenn?" Tara jokes as she throws her own bag into the car.

"Oh, shut it." I chuckle, swatting at her arm. "It's been a while since I've had to wake up this early. I'm starting to get used to sleeping in."

"Same." She sighs. "Does that scare you as much as it scares me, or am I just crazy?"

"You're definitely crazy, but not when it comes to that." I joke smugly, grinning at her as she rolls her eyes at me. "I mean, it shouldn't scare us. It just means we're getting back to normal, right?"

"What does normal even mean for us?" Tara snickers before walking off to taunt Noah about Ramon again. I'm stuck on her words.

What is normal for us? Is it possible for normal to be what it was before, or at least what I wanted it to be, or is it just a pipe dream now? How can we live a normal life after everything we've seen and done? The question has been rattling around my head since we stepped foot here.

I shake the thoughts from my head when Glenn walks over to me. He presses a chaste kiss to my temple, his free hand grabbing mine.

"Is that everything?" Glenn asks, glancing to the back of the van.

"We're all ready to go." I assure him, but then I look over his shoulder at Aiden as he says goodbye to his parents. "At least, I hope. I really don't want a repeat of the last run." 

"They know now. All of them. It will be better this time." Glenn tells me, his hopefulness somewhat nostalgic to me. I haven't seen his eyes look so bright since the farm.

"Well, you did knock some sense into Aiden." I tease, my lips quirking up at the memory.

"And I saw you take care of Nicholas. I guess we both knocked some sense into them." He reminds me.

WHEN THEY COME, glenn rhee²Where stories live. Discover now