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I love long car rides, I always have. It's something about the scenery flying by, no responsibilities, the way everything takes a pause and slows down a bit, giving you time to take a breath. But sometimes it's not so relaxing.

I'm hoping it's Abraham's driving, because he does drive a little reckless. In the middle of the road, maybe a swerve here and there, and the music he's playing sucks. I tried looking out the front window, focusing on the horizon, but that doesn't stop how sick I feel every little bump along the way.

I lean my head against the seat in front of me, breathing in and out, over and over in hopes it does something. Glenn rubs checked on my back from beside me, and I have felt that concerned gaze stuck on me for miles.

He leans down, almost level with me, and speaks lowly, "Are you okay?" He asks, even if he already knows the answer.

"Doing great." I gulp, squeezing my eyes shut tighter. "Just feel a little carsick, that's all."

"Are you sure you're not still sick like you were at the church? You haven't gotten car sick before."

"That's because I always slept during car rides before." I strain out a chuckle. It's weak, but it's the best one I can manage. "And I think it was just the hunger at the church."

"You threw up because you were hungry?" Glenn doubts, a little humor in his voice at my explanation.

"Yeah, it's a thing." I tell him, slightly tilting my head so I can meet his eyes. "Acid buildup, stomach contractions— basic first aid shit from ROTC."

"Good to know." He hums, tucking a stray curl from my updo behind my ear. "I'll roll the window down, okay?"

"Sounds like a plan." I murmur as I lean back against the seat.

As Glenn reaches over to put the window down, I shift my gears to the other conversation happened between the other couple, Rosita and Abraham. Rosita runs her hand through his hair as they have a flirty little exchange.

I can't help the quiet groan that escapes me. "That's going to make me actually throw up." I whisper to Glenn, who laughs.

"Maybe we found the source of your motion sickness." He jokes as he plops back down beside me, the window now bringing fresh air.

I glance around the bus again, and this time my sights land on Tara and Eugene having a thrilling conversation. I find myself staring at Eugene, our supposed hope for a better world and all that bullshit. I still find it hard to believe.

WHEN THEY COME, glenn rhee²Where stories live. Discover now