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~6 years later~
Jimin's POV
I was asleep in bed and heard the door open so I looked at the door and saw no one but when I looked to the side, Lisa, our 3 year old daughter was trying to climb the bed. I picked her up and held her. "What's wrong sweetie?" "Momma!" "What about momma?" She got down and she made sure I was behind her. "Hoseok you okay?" I saw him grabbing the counter and quickly walked up to him. Hoseok was about 8 months pregnant with twins, both girls. "I-I'm fine!" "Babe I think it's your contractions. Come on I'm taking you to the hospital." I helped him up and got him into the car, made sure Lisa was in her car seat and the baby bag was ready and drove to the hospital.

They quickly got Hoseok a room and I dropped Lisa off at Hoseok's brothers place and quickly went back to the hospital. I was sitting by his side. "What did the doctor say?" "Said I was 7 cm dilated already." "Maybe your water broke when you were in the restroom?" "Maybe..." I held his hand. "It'll be worth it." I kissed his forehead and he tightened his grip on my hand, I'm guessing it was a contraction.

~Later On~
I heard the last baby cry and saw her be placed on Hoseok's bare chest. "You did it babe!" I smiled and kissed his forehead. Hoseok was crying and smiled a little while looking at her. The nurse took her to clean her up and they gave the twins to Hoseok. "If you would like to hold one of them Mr.Park just make sure you take your shirt off since it's best to have skin to skin contact." I nodded and the nurse left. I took my shirt off and picked one of them up and held her close. "They're so cute." I smiled. I let Jungkook, Hoseok's brother know and they can come and see the twins.

Not even 30 minutes, Jungkook, his boyfriend Taehyung and Lisa all walked in. I placed the twins in the hospital cribs and picked Lisa up. "Look, these are your little sisters." She looked at them and looked at me. "Sisters?" I nodded but she started crying. "What's wrong?" "I want little brother..." I kissed her forehead. "Maybe later okay sweetie?" She calmed down and Hoseok glared at me. "What?" "I'm not going through any more pain." "But-" "No buts Jimin." "We'll see about that." I mumbled and put Lisa down.

No one's POV
~A couple of days later~
It was 3 in the morning, everyone was asleep, Hoseok and Jimin were cuddling when Jihyo and Jenna started crying. "Jimin it's your turn." Hoseok mumbled. "No, no I did it earlier." "That was yesterday you idiot. I did it earlier today now it's your turn." Hoseok hit him with a pillow and Jimin sat up and walked to the twins nursery. He got bottles ready and got the twins and started feeding both of them. "Thank goodness they're eating calmly..." He put the bottles down but before he picked them up, Jihyo threw up and started crying again. "Oh no." He grabbed a towel and cleaned Jihyo up, calmed her down and burped both of the babies. He placed them back in the crib and went back to bed. "I love you Hoseok." He kissed his forehead and fell asleep.

That is the end of this book! Hope you guys enjoyed it! I will be having a new book out and the ship with be Jin and Yoongi!

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