Chapter 14

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When they got to Hagrid they were going for a walk in the forest. Harry and Neville were in the back while Ron and Hermione were close to him.

"Now I remember, I remember when I first, met you all. Biggest batch of misfits I ever set eye on." Hagrid said.

"We're still a bunch of misfits." Ron said.

"Well maybe but you all have each other. And Harry of course." He waved.

"Soon to be, the youngest tri- wizard champion there's ever been! Hurray! Haha. Hogwarts Hogwarts Hogywarty Hogwarts teach us something please!"

They started singing.

Suddenly Neville felt his scar start to burn.


He put his hand on his scar.

"You alright?" Harry said.

Then they saw someone.

"Mr. Crouch?" he said.

When they got back to school Harry went to Dumbledore's office.

When he got there he heard people saying something. The minister, Dumbledore and Moody talking to each other.

"Excuse me gentle men. I hate to interrupt the scholarship but," Moody took out his wand and opened the door.

Neville was just about to knock on the door when it opened.

"Ah Neville how good to see you again." Fudge said.

"I can come back later Professor." he said.

"Oh not necessary Harry, the minister and I are done. Minister, after you." Then he started to leave.

"Oh Neville do feel free to helping yourself to a Cockroach Clusters. I have to warn you, they're a wee bit sharp." Then Moody shut the door.

Neville went and got some Cockroach Clusters then they jumped out of his hand and suddenly a door was open. He walked over to it and then started to fall.


Then he fell and then landed sitting down.

"Professor?" he said confused.

"Professor!" someone said and put their hand through him.

"Ah!" Dumbledore said and then shook hands.

Suddenly something came out of the ground.

"Igor Karkaroff, you have been taken out of Azkaban at your own request and the use of names." Mr. Crouch said.

"I do sir." he said.

"And what do wish to com-it?"

"I have, names sir. There's Rogia, Evan Rogia."

"Mr. Rogia is dead."

Then Moody muttered something to Dumbledore.

"No no please please I have more! What about Snape, Severus Snape?"

"He was once a Death Eater but now he's as much of a Death Eater as I am." Dumbledore said.

Then Igor started to say something but was interrupted by Crouch.

"Silence!" he said hitting the ground with his gavel. "Unless there is more witnesses this message is now concluded!"

"Oh no,no,no,no. There's still one more."


"The person that was one of the people that tried to torture Frank Longbottom and his wife!"

"The name give me the reached name!"


Mr. Crouch sat there confused.


Then the man ran away but was stopped by Moody.

"Get your filthy hands off me!" Then he looked around. "Hello father!"

He stuck out his tongue for a second.

"You are no son of mine." he said.

"Yeah!" he yelled.

Suddenly he was out of it and sitting down.

"Curiosity is not a sin Neville." Dumbledore said.

"Professor, Mr. Crouch's son, what happened to him?"

"He was, set to Azkaban. Destroyed Barty to do that but he had no choice. Why do you ask?"

"I, had a dream about him. It was in the summer before the quidditch match. I was in a house, and Voldemort was there. Only he wasn't quite human. And Wormtail was there to and Mr. Crouch's son. These dreams, what I see, you don't think it's actually, happening do you?"

"When a memory you don't want to see, what you can do is, cast them away." he said and let out a memory.

"Yes sir." he said.

He stood there and locked up his mind more than usual.

On his way back he hard Igor talking to Snape while the door opened.

"It's a sign Severus." Igor said showing him his arm.

Then they saw Neville and he shut his sleeve and left.

"Longbottom! What's your hurry?" Snape said.

He turned around and looked at him.

"Congratulations your survivor of the Black Lake was a bit of surprise. Gillyweed, am I correct?"

"Yes sir." he said.

"Rather rare object gillyweed, not ever in your everyday garden." Snape said while he looked around his room. "Nor is this."

Then he stepped down and looked at Neville.

"Know what it is?"

"No sir."

"Veritaserum. Should you continue to steal from my store I just might slip some into your morning pumpkin juice."

"I haven't stolen anything."

"Don't, lie to me. Loustang sling, liswing flies? You and your little friends are making polyjuice potion. And believe me, I'm going to find out why!"

Then he slammed the door and Harry shook his head then continued his way back to the common room.

Neville Longbottom, the boy who lived year 4Where stories live. Discover now