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Entry # 303

  Losing was never my goal, I thought that I had a shot at getting Bas back in my arms but fuck I never it would hurt so much. I played the hard ball but I lost the game. 

  I thought that I might get a chance to amend part of my wrong doing, and maybe we can start over. On Friday when I received the text from Saint, my personal secretary confirmed that Bas was attending my party. I was in a bad mood because of the bloody meeting. But hearing that Bas had  confirmed that he was attending my party brightened my day.

  I had a plan on how I was going to lay out the night for both of us. I had planned every detail of how to get him back into my arms and back to being my fiancé.  I know I made the stupid mistake of ledding him think that I had cheated on him with Nine. It is my fault but I thought that he was going to fight back but he didn't. He left but not before destroying my 2018 Pagani 6Huayra Roadster but I guess I deserve it for lying. 

  I know he has insecurities and that's a part that I bloody hate about him, that he always goes the easy way out and always runs away.  I was going to end all the lies and the game.

   A few days ago Nine came to me wanting to talk to me. 

💋💋Flash Back💋💋

   I was in my office finishing some paperwork when I heard a knock on my office door.



  "Hey Copter, can I talk to you? It's something important that I can't take and I feel guilty about it." 

  "Sure go right ahead, what is it?"

  "First of all I'm sorry and I hope for the friendship that we had these past years that you can forgive me. I have been in love with you since I met you. I know that you don't feel like that and I took a chance that day to be with you that day that I called you telling you to go out for a drink four years ago. I was desperate and I wanted to drown myself in alcohol but I wanted to see you too. But that day you decided to get drunk for some reason so I got the courage to kiss you. Since I was drunk too but not as bad as you. I took you home since your house is on the other side of town. We took a taxi to my house, when we were getting out of the taxi you kissed me and you said a name that I can remember. 

  I was jealous of that person, that person you kept calling. You started to take off your clothes and I started to walk you to my guest room so you can get some sleep. I was about to lay you down on the bed when you started to kiss me and started to undress me. I was trying to stop you but you kept on telling me what did that person leave you and that you missed that person but all I wanted to do was to take your pain away and to let you forget about that person you were missing. 

  So I decided to give myself to you and even if it wasn't me you were thinking off. I know I was taking advantage of the situation but my mind was not rational at that moment. 

   You started to undress me and kept on telling me that I was beautiful and that you loved me. That you missed making love to that person. I wanted that, I wanted to make love to me so I let myself be kissed, caressed, loved, and undressed. When we were in the middle of making out you started to cry and started saying "Don't leave me, please you're all I got left. Come back to me." After that you started to kiss me again and you fell asleep on top of me. That's why when you woke up in the morning I just let you think that we had a one-night-stand. I'm sorry I never wanted to do this to you. But I felt humiliated and wanted to take some revenge on that person that had your heart. I'm sorry, Copter. I never wanted to hurt you and I also met someone that opened my eyes that it was one sided love. I hope that you can forget about what actually happened and what never happened." 

Twenty Four 1/2 kisses💋        Part 2Where stories live. Discover now