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{A/n: Hey everyone Roach here with the first chapter of this story. I hope you guys enjoy this story. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT own GI Joe or Rainbow Six Siege!}

*(Y/n)'s pov*

I felt myself laying on the ground as my vision came back. I opened my eyes to see a blue sky with clouds floating past and the sun shining brightly. I was quite confused by this because the last thing I remember was that I was in one of Cobra's Underground military facilities and was trying to stop there new weapon. From what I remember it was a weapon designed to fold space and time to cause mass destruction and Cobra was intending to use it to target the capitals of the world powers. I had sacrificed myself to stop it and blacked out after it destroyed itself. "Where am I?" I heard a voice say as I looked around. Wait a minute!? Was that MY voice?! I thought to myself. It has been awhile since I've heard my voice after my throat got injured years ago but now it mysteriously has healed itself. I push that thought to the back of my mind and looked around to get my bearings as my first priority is to regroup with my fellow Joes. After scanning my surroundings I don't see anything that can help me identify where I'm at so I try using my communicator to try and get into contact with any Joes. I put my fingers to my ears and start scanning comm frequencies for any military communication when I hear a woman's voice.

"This is Ash, We're pinned down by White Masks and need immediate reinforcements!" The voice said. "White Masks?" I muttered to myself. "I hear you comrade! I'm on my way!" Another voice said into the radio this one sounding like the owner is a Russian. "Ash this is Glaz. I'll provide over watch until Tachanka arrives with the helo!" Another Russian said into the radio. I raised an eyebrow confused by all this. White Masks? What's that all about? I thought to myself. I decided to go investigate as according to the sensors in my visor the one called Ash was nearby so I headed in the direction they were in. Once I got close by I climbed a tree to get a better view of the battle that seemed to be happening. I saw a group of about 20 to 30 men all wearing military grade gear and carrying military grade weapons firing at a group of about 8 pinned down behind a few boulders and fallen trees. 

They were returning fire when possible but were pretty much unable to do anything. I pushed a button on the side of my visor and they zoomed in to the point where I can get a clear view of what everyone looked like. First I looked at the large group who have the smaller group pinned down. They all were wearing white masks. I see now. White Masks. I thought to myself as I looked over them. I then turned my attention to the 8 who were pinned down and noticed that 3 of them were women. Most likely one of them was the one called Ash. They all had on Military style uniforms. They're not Joes but right now they seem to be the only possible allies I have right now, so I might as well assist them. I thought to myself as I then noticed someone a little higher up in a prone position. They have a sniper with them. That's good! I thought to myself as I pulled out 2 smoke grenades.

*Team Rainbow's POV*

Ash, Valkyrie, Zofia, Blackbeard, Thatcher, Sledge, Castle, and Buck were pinned down by White Mask soldiers. Another Rainbow operator called Glaz was up on a hill providing sniper cover and is currently the only thing keeping the White Masks from overrunning Ash and the others. "Where's our reinforcements?!" Buck said and Zofia looks at him. "They might have gotten delayed due to a White Mask ambush!" She said and Sledge looked at her. "Let's just hope we can last long enough for them to get here!" Sledge said when suddenly Glaz came over the radio. "Be advised smoke just covered the White Masks positions!" Glaz said and Blackbeard looked at his teammates. "They might be trying to flank us!" He said but what Glaz said next confused them all. "Negative on that Comrade. They weren't the ones who deployed the smoke!" Glaz said and they all just looked at each other confused. "If any of you have thermal optics on you you might want to have a look!" Glaz said and the ones who had thermal optics pulled them out and powered them on and looked into the smoke. What they saw surprised all of them.

For inside the smoke was a new heat signature killing the White Masks using what seemed like a sword. "What the hell is this? Who is this new guy?!" Blackbeard said and Ash shook her head as she shrugged. "No clue but at least he seems to be on our side!" Ash said as they watched the guy easily cutting down the White Masks and then were even more surprised when they saw that his sword easily cutting through one of the L86 Assault rifles the White Masks were using and still even slashing the White Mask's body in a single slash. They watched as he continued to cut down the White Masks and by the time the smoke had finally cleared up their was only one White Mask left and team Rainbow could now see what their savior looked like but it was Blackbeard was the one who voiced what everyone was thinking. "Is that a ninja?!" He said with shock in his voice.

*Glaz's pov*

I was just watching as this stranger showed up and attacked the White Masks out of nowhere. Now there was only one left and instead of killing him he put his sword away before looking in my direction...... No! That's not right he's looking right at me! He knows where I'm sniping from. I then chuckled softly under my breath as I realized what he was doing. "I see now. He wants to know if he can trust the people he saved." I said before aiming down the sights of his rifle at the head of the White Mask and slowed my breathing down before slowly squeezing the trigger and putting a bullet into his head. The White Mask's dead body fell to the ground and after that Ash and the others approached him.

*(Y/n)'s pov*

After I finished off the White Masks I left one alive to see who the sniper would shoot and my guess was right as he shot the man in the White Mask. It seemed like these military operators see me as an ally so that's good to know. After their sniper took out the last White Mask the other 8 operators walked over to me. As they approached me I noticed that they each had different flags on their shoulders. Two of the girls have American flags and the last girl has a Polish flag. The five men were also from different countries as well. Two were Americans, two were from the U.K, and the last guy was from Canada. "Thanks for the help but mind telling us who you are and why you're out here?" One of the women asked me. The woman who spoke to me has brown hair and was wearing sunglasses over her face and has a hat that has S.W.A.T on it. "You may call me Snake Eyes and as for why I'm out here I have no clue as I don't know how I got here in the first place." I explained and they raised an eyebrow. "You don't know how you got here?! What do you mean by that?" One of the guys asked me. "It's a long story." I replied and the blonde haired woman crossed her arms and looked at me. "We have plenty of time!" She said to me and I nodded. "Very well then!" I said before starting my story.

{And done with the Prologue. I hope you guys enjoyed it! Until the next update!}

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