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The sound of the crowd fills my ears as I get ready to step onstage.

"Okay guys, you ready? Hinata stop bouncing," I say.

The short boy stops his movements as the rest of my friends turn to face me. I look from face to face, smiling.

"This is it. Let's get out there and show those people what we're made of," I encourage. Everyone reaches out a hand, placing them on top of each other.

"3, 2, 1, LIKE THIS!"

We shout the name of our band and rush onto the huge stage. Screams echo from the fans and I can't help but catch my boyfriend's eye and smile.

I guess I should back up a bit.

My name is Yamaguchi Tadashi, and I'm the lead singer of a band called Like This.

What the world sees in us is a group of friends who have complete trust in each other. Idols who show people what it's like to truly love your friends like family.

Of course, we weren't always this close. In fact, most of us hated each other in the beginning. Lets just go back to the very beginning.

First day at Karasuno High.


"Tsukki!!" I shouted, running to catch up with my best friend.

"Jeez, Yamaguchi, keep up," he said, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, uh, sorry."

I looked up at the school in curiousity. So this was where I was going to spend the next three years.

I yelped as I was suddenly pushed out of the way. I looked up to see a red-head running into the building. He paused and turned back to be.

"Hey, sorry!" he shouted. I caught a very obvious glint of silver on his tongue as he spoke.

He turned and continued his sprint into the building.

"Well, alright then..." I mumbled.

"C'mon, we need to head inside."

I followed after Tsukki as we walked into the high school. Students littered the halls, many asking first years about joining clubs. We weaved through people until we reached Tsukki's locker.

"What are the chances that they have a music club?" I asked, shuffling my feet.

Tsukki hummed. "I don't know. But just letting you know, you're not gonna weasel your way into getting me to join if they do. Junior High choir was enough."

I smiled and started walking backwards. "Well, I'm gonna go check it out. See you in class?"

"Yeah, see you," he answered.

I ran off and looked at all the upperclassman passing out flyers for their clubs. I saw basketball, chess, and various other groups, but no music club.

I headed to my locker with a sigh. I slowly opened it and stuck my supplies inside. I quickly taped a picture of Tsukki and I on the door before closing it and turning to walk off.

"Hey, kid with the ponytail!" a voice called, stopping me in my tracks.

I looked to see a boy with fluffy gray hair and a bright smile. A beauty mark dotted his face and he wore a jacket over his white uniform shirt.

"Yeah?" I ask.

He handed me a flyer in earnest. "I'm Sugawara Koushi, a third year. If you haven't already joined a club, consider the music club."

I looked down at the flyer with a smile. "You guys really do have one! When's so you meet?"

He chuckled at my enthusiasm. "We meet after school. Come by then and I'll introduce you to everyone."

I nodded and stuck the flyer in my bag. "I'm Yamaguchi Tadashi, by the way. I'll see you later!"

"Yeah, see you later kid," he said.


"You have gotta be kidding me!"

I blinked when I heard the yelling. I cautiously opened the club room door only to nearly run into someone's back.

"Why are you here?" the mystery person yelled.

"Oh shut up and get over yourself," someone else said.

I pushed into the room and looked around. Three guys, including Sugawara, stood off to the side as two others argued. I gasped when I realized one of the people yelling was the red-head from earlier that morning.

The other was a guy a little shorter than Tsukki with deep blue wavy hair and an angry look.

"How the hell am I supposed to beat you if you're in the same band as me?" the red-head yelled.

"C'mon guys, calm down," one of the other three said. He had dark brown hair and a dad-ish look about him.

"Yamaguchi! You're here!" Suga shouted, trying to distract everyone I assumed.

All attention in the room turned to me and I smiled shyly.

"Hey, you're the kid from earlier," the red-head said. "Didn't get the chance at the time, but I wanted to say I really like your look. The ponytail suits you. Got any piercings? Tattoos?"

"I've got a tattoo on my left arm and and another on my torso. Just the one pierced ear," I replied.

Suga stepped over to me and slung an arm around my shoulders. "Guys, meet Yamaguchi Tadashi. He plays...wait, what do you play?"

"O-oh, I uh don't play anything. I sing, actually." I scratched the back of my neck.

"Oh, cool, me too. Lemme just introduce everyone. That's Sawamura Daichi, club president and guitarist. Tanaka Ryuunsuke there plays drums. Hinata Shoyo and Kageyama Tobio are also first years. Hinata plays guitar, Kageyama plays bass. We also have two other members, a keyboard player and guitarist who tend to have other things going on."

I nodded, taking in all the new info. As Suga finished, Daichi smiled hesitantly.

"Now, for the schedule. We upperclassmen love the club a lot, but recently there's a lot going on. This means that we probably aren't going to be able to attend club as much," the brunette admitted. "You guys are free to use this room after school everyday. Occasionally, we'll drop by with announcements and updates. All the equipment you need is here, and bring your own if you want."

Hinata tilted his head. "So you're saying we joined just to have you guys leave us behind?"

The three shuffled guiltily.

And that's about when it started.

Like This - Haikyuu!! Band AUWhere stories live. Discover now