New Girl pt 1

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Cook's POV

I was sitting next to JJ drinking a whole pint of beer.

" Stop smiling at that guy JJ he doesn't want you he's old enough to be your dad" I say

He's visibly angry I was just joking but he has taken what I said to heart.

" You can't make fun of me for being gay. You remember when Freddie broke his right arm and you helped wank him off for like three months" JJ asked

" That's called being a team player not gay JJ" I said with pride

JJ looks confused but ignores.

Freddie skates on over and crashes his bike leaving it on the ground.

" Hello Freddie bred" JJ says

" Another pint before morning Cook" Freddie says

" You're going to walk in with a sufficient attention deficit." JJ says lovingly but I said eye him

" You mean intelligence deficit" Freddie argues.

I stretch " well the sun is up and the birds are chirping lets just have a good day"

A man and his teenage daughter crash into the pole on Freddie's bike.

" Look what happened to my fucking car" The angry bald man screamed

" Shes looking at you Freddie" JJ says

Freddie nods in agreement

" Shes looking at me" JJ smiles

" No shes not" We say

JJ is visibly distraught

The girl from the window watched us. Dark eye makeup and blue eyes. I walked over covered in ketchup 

" Hey man. What the hell? You fucked my bike" I say tormenting the man

He gets visibly angry as the girl keeps smoking.

" You drove straight through me"I say feigning hurt

" You haven't got a witness" He says

" I saw him" The old lady complies

" Oh no need to press charges lovelies. Her have 80 dollars and get yourself a new bike boy" He says as he walks off.

I eye the girl staring at her intensely as my eyeballs followed . Taking the ketchup off my cheek .

" Boys we know which way we're going" As we follow her

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2021 ⏰

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