Chapter 2

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"Kate, what do you want for dinner?" Castle asked as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"What are my options?"

"Well we could get take out or I could make you some pasta. Alexis loves it and you will too. What do you say?"

"I think that your pasta would be wonderful." Kate declared as he turned her around in his arms.

"Pasta of the beautiful lady, it is." With that he was off to collect all the ingredients that he needed to make Kate a romantic dinner for both of them, while Kate took a seat on one of the stools. "You can watch TV or read any of the books from my study while a make us dinner." He suggested as he leaded over the kitchen island. Kate slowly got of the kitchen and made her way to his study.

When she walked in, Kate then realised the magnitude of his book collection. As she waked around she ran her fingers over the spines of originals copies that she suspected would coast as much as her yearly salary. But she didn't choose one of them; she was immediately drawn to a different set of book. His books; they had helped her in so many ways that he would probably never know how. His first book In a Hail of Bullets, she didn't know why but she was always drawn back to his fist book. It might have been that nobody had changed him then or that it was one that helped her the most through her mother's murder. She got the book and sat down on the couch by the wall. She sat down on the couch that was sinfully comfortable and got sucked into the book.

Meanwhile back in the kitchen Castle had almost finished cooking dinner; he just had to wait for the pasta to cook. He got out the bowls and placed them on the table that he had set up for dinner. He only used the best of Kate tonight, after all it was the first night that they had shared as a couple. The pasta had finally finished cooking and he set it all in the bowls on the table.

Castle walked towards the study but stopped at the sight of Kate curled up on his couch with his first book in her hands. She was immersed deeply in the book and didn't recognize Castle presence for 3 minutes. When she did look up and see him she had a huge smile on her face that reached her eyes. "Hey" she softly said to him.

"Um. Dinner is ready if you want to eat."

"Sure" She got off the couch and walked towards him, she surprised him when she reached up to kiss him. As she did he placed his hands on her hips.

"You know you are surprisingly short without your high heels on. Not that I don't mind, I actually quite like it." He said as he brushed away a piece of hair that had fallen away and meet her lips yet again. "Okay, we should probably go now otherwise it will get cold" Kate had to smile at that because she knew it was probably true. "But first close your eyes." Kate complied and Castle guided her to the kitchen, once they were in front of the table and told her to open her eyes.

It was not what she thought it would be. She thought it would just be a simple dinner but Castle prepared a beautifully put together table that was illuminated by candles that were placed around the loft to give it a romantic feel. He had defiantly accomplished that, it was beautiful. "Wow Rick this is so beautiful." She whispered as he pulled out her chair.

"I'm glad you like it." He really was, he didn't know if it was too much too soon. But she liked it so he was happy. Castle sat down in his own seat and they both ate their dinner in silence, it wasn't an awkward silence, it was… nice. Half way through the meal Kate took Castle hand in her own and placed the joint hands on top of the table and continued to eat her dinner without looking up.

"Your cooking is amazing, you should do it more often." Kate stated once she had finished her dinner.

"I like to cook, and now that you are my girlfriend you will have the chance." Castle watched Kate to see how she would react to being called his girlfriend. But he didn't know if it was the right choice of words. "I can call you my girlfriend? Last night wasn't just a one night thing."

"Yes, I am your girlfriend." Kate said with a smile on her face.

"That's good because I'm not letting you get away for a long, long time. If ever." He said as he got up to kiss her soundly on the lips. "Would you like to watch a movie?"

"Ahh…um… would you be able to read to me?"

"It would be a pleasure. What book?"

"The one I was reading before." Kate had this little look on her face, he didn't know what it was, but she was up to something. Castle took Kate's hand and they both walked into the study. Rick sat down on the couch while Kate got the book from where ever she had placed it and joined him. Kate gave the book to Castle and snuggled up to his side.

This surprised him; she never seemed like the snuggling type but he was often wrong. Once Castle saw what book she had chosen he sighed. "I knew you were a fan, but really I have far better books than this one."

"Hey, I quite like this one, it might even be my favourite."

"Okay, let's get started than." After Castle he looked down to Kate to see her beautiful eyes but was met with closed ones. He should have known after the first chapter her breathing started to even out. Castle didn't realise he was staring at her sleeping form until she woke up 10 minutes later.

"You know your staring right?" Kate said still half asleep.

"Come on let's get you to bed." Kate shifted slightly of his shoulder as he stood up. He picked Kate up bridal style and she put her arms around his neck. He took them into his bedroom and placed Kate down on the opposite side of his bed. He kissed her on the forehead and went around to his side of the bed. Once he was lying down; Kate moved towards him. Castle lifted his arm up and Kate snuggled into the crook of his arm.

Kate reached up a placed a light but loving kiss on his lips. "I love you, Rick."

"I love you too, Kate. Goodnight." Rick placed another kiss upon her forehead. After about 5 minutes Kate's breathing evened out and he knew she was asleep. But he didn't fall sleep then, he just kept looking down on her. She really was beautiful and would never know how much she went to him. He had become a much better person, father and son after meeting her. And he planned on loving her for every single day from now on, he knew they could never be apart now.

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