Chapter 9

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Kate walked back out to the bullpen and went straight to Ryan Esposito’s desk where they were both working, they had been working has hard as she has, if not more. “Have you guys got anything?” She questioned once she arrived at their desks that were situated opposite each other.  

“Well….” Espo replied in an exaggerated tone “We got nothing.”

“We gave the letter to CSU and they have gotten nothing off trace. No fingerprints or hairs, no DNA either.” Ryan added.

Beckett let out a frustrated groan and flopped into her desk chair. She sat there for no more than 30 seconds then got up and started pacing in front of the murder board which now had Alexis photo on the victims’ column. “Alexis said she is going no matter what, she’s not budging on this one. Said she is not going to be responsible for more deaths. So Castle and I were think we need to put so cameras and mics in the library, I have already got the request signed by Gates so we only have to pick it up and put them in the library. Also a GPS and mic on Alexis; can you get that already Ryan?”

“Well it’s almost 5 now so I should probably go to the library now and try and set up something. Do we have any idea whereabouts in the library they are going to meet?”

“I have no idea, but given that it is Alexis going you should probably put them up in the science/ medical section. Alexis goes there to study sometimes. It shouldn’t be too out of place and then she will have a cover story.”

“Alright, I will put most of them there but I will also try and get some in the lobby and all the exits.”

“Be careful, he could be watching you” Kate added as Ryan walked off. Once he had left Kate made her way to the break room where Castle was currently making their usual coffees. Kate sat down on one of the chairs next to the table in the middle of the room and waited for him to finish off the coffees. Once he was done he walked over and placed it down in front of her, he had made the foam into a heart shape. “What are we going to do Rick, he’s after her.” Kate spoke softly as she was staring at the heart shaped coffee.

“We will catch him, I know we will. We always catch the bad guys and this time it will be no different. I know you love Alexis, probably as much are I do” Kate looked up at him while he spoke “and so far he has only sent one note to her, he has not come after her just yet. Both of us plus the boys will be there tomorrow to watch over her.”

“Wow, you have matured a lot Rick. I expected you to be the one that is a wreck.”

“I am… I just have to keep it on the inside for her sake. I know she is scared but just not showing us, I know that me being a wreck would do nothing to help her. So far I thinking I’m doing a good job, well now at least but really he hasn’t done anything but what I really wanted to do is lock her up in the loft and never let her out just in case he does hurt her in anyway.”

“Well she is your daughter so that would never, ever happen and you and I know it. We should probably go home and see how she is. Let her ready for tomorrow” Kate suggested as she put there cups in the sink. “Come on Rick lets go home.”

“Home” Rick repeated as the worked out the room and towards the elevator. No matter what the situation was hearing Kate call the loft home always put a smile on his face. 

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