Chapter 7

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On Tuesday Beckett phone went off at 4, which only meant that somewhere in the massive city they live in someone, somehow killed another person and it was her job to find that person. She was glad that Castle was in the same bed as her so she didn’t have to go and find him. For the past couple of days she had begun to wake up alone.  Kate though it was because he got an idea in his head for his book but that wasn’t the reason.

Kate reached her arm across the bedside table and got her phone, “Beckett, yes, ill be there in about 30 minutes. Okay thanks, bye.” She put the phone back down and got up off the bed. “ Come on Rick, get up. We have a body.”

“I’m up.” Rick jumped out of bed and followed Kate into the bathroom.

 They both quickly showered together and only showering because they knew they didn’t have much time until they were meant to be at the crime scene. Once they were out and had finished getting dressed Rick quickly went down stairs to get the coffee ready. He put his fancy coffee machine on and got out the travel mugs that were stored on the shelf right next to it. While he was busy making the coffee Kate ran around the loft to get her badge and gun, and then went to get her scarf and gloves for the November weather. While she got her things she also grabbed Ricks and put them on the bench next to him.

“Thanks.” He said when he realised she had put them there but by the time he said this she was putting on her 4 inched stilettos. He came and joined her at the door with the two travel mugs in his hands. He gave them to Kate while he put on his expensive leather shoes, Kate took this time to take a nice long look at his ass as he bent over. “See something you like Detective?” He smugly because he thought she would just blush and walk out the door but this time was different.

Kate came up behind him and ran her hands over his ass. “Yes I certainly do.” He didn’t expect her to touch him and jumped a little as she did so.

Rick spun her around and pushed her towards the door. “Would you like to continue this upstairs?” He questioned.

“I would, if we had time but as it we are already running as it is. So we will continue when we get home tonight, okay?”

“That is very alright with me” Rick gave her a deep and passionate kiss and then held the door open for her. They made their way to the underground car park and got in Kate’s Crown Vic and made their way to the crime scene.

22nd and Lex was blocked off with the usual yellow crime scene tape. Beckett and Castle and made there was to Officer Hastings who was at the perimeter. “Morning Hastings.”

“Morning Beckett and Castle, looks like a bloody one today.” Kate thought that she was just joking around a bit but it was actually an understatement.

Ryan and Esposito were already inside the building and waiting for the pair. The victim lived on the 8th floor and the elevator was broken today, which was just their luck. It took them longer than they thought to get to the right door, with CSU techs going up and down plus all the other residents that still lived in the building.  The staircase was a bit more crowded than they were all used to,

Once they got to the right door, the lock was broken and the door kicked in. They walked through short passage way straight into the living room and saw Ryan and Espo standing together with their note books out and glum looks on their face. “Is it as bad as I was told?” Beckett asked as she approached.

“Even worse, it looks like something out of Saw but the blood isn’t pink.” Espo replied and pointed them in the direction of the bathroom.” The initial crime scene is in there.” They all walked down the hallway into the second door and into the bathroom. Through the hall way you could see the blood trails and smudges that led out of the bathroom towards the kitchen. Neither had been kidding and there wasn’t even a body in there, it was bad enough to make most professionals lose their stomach.

The bath was full of what looked like most of the victim’s blood volume. Next to the bath was an axe covered in blood and what appeared to be partials of fingerprints on the handle. Unfortuanly that was only the start, you could see where the killer had swinged the axe and created trails on the walls and the roof. It also looked like some ones throat had been slit causing arterial blood spray on the tiles but centred on the shower door and created a silhouette where the killer had been standing.

“Nobody saw anything?” Beckett questioned, New Yorkers might be famous for their hear no evil, see no evil but someone had to of seen the killed with the amount of blood present from this room.

“We have done an initial questioning but it doesn’t seem like it. Do you want to see the body?”

“Okay.” Beckett replied, if this was just where they killed then what did the body look like? Kate shot a glance at Castle as they walked out of the room and she could see the toll it was taking on him. He looked a little pale and she wouldn’t be surprised if he called Lex as soon as they were away from the boys, and to be honest Kate wanted to hear her voice after this one. That girl had so much innocence and happiness about her and always made the pair feel a little better after a bad crime scene.

“You can’t even call it a body” Ryan added as they got to the entrance of the kitchen. Both Castle and Beckett missed the kitchen when they walked in and it didn’t look like from where they were that there was even anything abnormal with the room but as soon as you got closer you could see the blood everywhere. The kitchen had a large marble bench that separated it with the living room with caramel cover cupboards with silver hands. Kate looked around the room and most of the appliances seemed very high end. Before this kitchen was probably a very modern and stylish room but now it was nothing but that.

The fridge was open and Lanie was crouching down and looking at something inside it. “Hey Lanie, what do we have?” Kate asked.

“Hi Kate, Amanda Robbins. In here in the head, the right arm and a left index finger.” She added just as sadly as the boys were like when they first saw them.

“The rest of her?” Castle asked, no one really wanted to know.

“Check the cupboards.” Lanie pointed to the ones to the left of her. Beckett and Castle walked over to them and opened one each. Each could feel to blood slipping on the gloves as they grabbed the handle. Once they were open they could defiantly see where the rest of her was.

“Amanda Robbins, 23, lives with her 26 year old fiancée Ethan Stephens.  They have been engaged for about 7 months and been living together for the past year. Stephens was at a company seminar for the past 5 days. He found her when he got home today and went into the kitchen at 3 in the morning to get a drink, didn’t have the lights on and found her in the fridge. Called 911 as soon as he saw her. Paramedics had to take him to the ER because he was hysterical and wouldn’t calm down.”

“Well that’s a bad way to find your fiancée.” Castle said and closed the cupboard and walked out of the apartment.

“You guys do a canvas again and see if anyone heard or saw anything and we will meet you back at the precinct. Lanie call me when you have the results on how and when she died.” Once the last word was out of her mouth she rushed out of the room and ran down stairs to find Castle alone in the alleyway throwing up.

Kate ran over to him and rubbed his back, once he finished he looked up at her and she understood. Amanda had a pale completion and red hair. She looked just like Alexis. “ Okay, let’s go back home.” Kate drove them straight home, by the time they left the crime scene it was almost 6. They were surprised to Alexis up but they were both glad that see was. As soon as Rick walked through the door he saw Alexis, she saw his distress. She stopped eating her breakfast and ran over to him and gave him a hug. While they were hugging she looked over her dads shoulder and saw Kate with the same expression on her face as well. She let go of her dad and walked over to Kate and wrapped her in a hug. At first Rick didn’t understand but then saw her go in the direction of Kate.

Kate wrapped her arms around Alexis, “Kate, was it really that bad?”


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