Chapter 6

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AN: I am sorry for the long delay. This story is/was originally posted on, I am currently just posted the chapters that I have published just not on here. I am in the process of writing more chapters. I hope you continue to read and enjoy it!!!


They all sat around the kitchen island until Rick finished eating; Alexis was to his left and Kate was to his right. He liked it when it was just him and his two girls. He loves his mother but sometimes she was just too much to handle. With Alexis and Kate it was just peaceful. He took his time eating the pizza to watch the two them lean over him and talk to one another about Alexis' choice.

 "When you go there you have to remember to have a little fun" Kate said with a wink," but not too much okay. But I want you to know that you ever get into any trouble or just need to talk to me; don't hesitate to call me day or night." She hoped that she would never get the call from her saying that she was in trouble but she really did hope she would call if she needed to talk about anything. Even if it was about nothing, she still would value it every time.

 "Thanks Kate, I will if I ever have too; I really appreciate it." Alexis got up to hug Kate and she did the same. Hugs with her became less uncomfortable after Alexis realised that Kate truly did love her dad and would do anything for him.

 "Hey, where is my hug?" Rick asked, felling a little bit out of place. They both rolled their eyes, Rick noticed that Alexis was getting that off Kate and was doing it a bit too well. They both separated and locked Rick into a group hug. He hugged them tightly so they wouldn't be able to escape, even once they had let go. He started to tickle both of them with one arm each and they both started giggling immediately. After about one minute if their breath being tickled out of them, they both silently agreed that it was time for the tables to be turned.

 "Lex now!" Kate whisper shouted as loud as she could. They both went limp and dropped to the floor and then grabbed his legs so that he fell to the ground. Kate jumped across his stomach so that Alexis could tickle his sides. Kate knew it would only take a little while for Rick to call apples but he held out for 2 minutes, but after those minutes he didn't let up.

 "APPLES APPLES APPLES, PLEASE STOP!" he cried out with bated breath. Alexis stopped but Kate stayed on top of him.

 "Are you going to try that again anytime soon Castle?"

 "So we are back to Castle, again."

 "Well yeah if you ever try to tickle me again it always be Castle," Kate got closer to his ear and whisper seductively into his ear" Even in bed you will be Castle and I know how much you like it when I yell out Rick"

 "Ok, I will never ever ever tickle you again." Kate got a satisfied smirk on her face and then got off and gave her hand to Rick so he could get up easily. Alexis was looking in the fridge for something to drink so Rick took this as his opportunity. He cupped both of her cheeks in his palms and brought his lips to hers, their kiss was passionate while it lasted but Kate didn't let it go on for very long because she knew that Alexis would turn around any second. Kate was thankful she pulled away when she did because Alexis turned to face them at the very moment. As soon as Rick looked into her eyes she forgot that Alexis was in the room, he had such sincerity them that you could see the love pouring out of his eyes.

 Alexis grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and silently made her way towards her room, so that her dad and Kate could have this moment alone. Somehow she knew that this moment would have special meaning to them, she just didn't know how. Luckily they were facing away from the staircase that lead upstairs to her room, so they didn't see her slip away. Alexis didn't think that they would even notice her presence was missing, she guessed Kate might have sensed something but she didn't turn around and her father on the other hand didn't even move. He just kept staring into her eyes. Once she was inside her room Alexis had a really good look around, she was surprised that she only just realised how much it still looked like a little girls room. She still had stuffed toys in her room, but she wouldn't change it for anything. Alexis knew that whatever happened between her dad and Kate she would always be his little girl. Although she wouldn't mind a little brother or sister.

It the kitchen, Rick was rubbing his thumbs over Kate's cheeks. They were both smiling with dopey, full teeth smiles at each other. "I heard Alexis go upstairs; I'm guessing she will be in there for a while."

 "Good" Rick guided Kate towards the kitchen island until her back hit the edge, he grabbed her thighs and lifted her so she was sitting on the top. Kate wrapped her arms around his neck and Rick hand trailed up her sides. His arms came to rest at the bottom of her back.

 All Kate wanted him to do was kiss her; she needed him to kiss her. He was taking longer than she thought he would, he just kept staring into her eyes. As much as she loved the deep looks, she needed him to kiss her more. "Kiss me, Rick" Castle would never deny her anything, especially not this. Both moved towards each other at the same time and meet in the middle. This kiss was far more gentle and soft then the one they shared before but this grew more passionate as they continued. Kate moved further down on the bench so that she could lay and Rick followed her movements. Kate opened her mouth to Ricks tongue, as it deepened her hands found their way underneath his t-shirt to his broad back muscles. You wouldn't know how good his muscles are underneath all the clothes that he wears. Kate has come to appreciate those muscles, once she knew what was under those t-shirts, it just kept coming back in her mind. But now, when they are alone she gets to mark the memory of them into her brain; and his lips, who could forget his lips. Any one that has been with him was not able to forget the wonderfulness of them, but now she was the last person to ever experience them. They both new that once they started this relationship, that it would be forever, always. Kate was a one and done type of girl and Castle hadn't let anyone get this close to his little girl, let alone when he wasn't dating them.

Kate was thankful that some kind of sense came back into her mind, "Rick, we have to move just in case Lex comes down stairs". What Kate said registered in his mind because 2 seconds after it came out, he grabbed her around the waist. Castle lifted her off the kitchen bench and started walking towards their bedroom. As soon as he was able to stand straight Kate wrapped her legs around his waist, Castle stopped as soon as this happened. He sucked in his breath and kissed her again, but then kept walking. He knew that the faster he got her there without any interruptions, the faster things could progress. And they both really wanted, needed that to happen.

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