13. Just a little

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"Those we love never truly leave us. There are things that death cannot touch. "
-Jack Thorne

Ring after ring



call after call

Nothing was answered. No one picked up or replied. Just silence.


Wilbur paced around his office. Listening to the sound of his phone ring once more only to not be answered.

He had been in a call with Philza moments before. The two were talking about a theory he had recently heard about, while Phil was mining on stream. Knowingly scaring the chat as he shared the theory.

Phil agreeing to some things and adding his own input to the conversation as they went on. Though they were interrupted by the sound of people joining the call. About to greet them, Wilbur was cut off by Tommy's frantic speaking. Which wasn't all to surprising. Though what did surprise him was the frantic speaking of Niki as she'd joined Tommy in a panicked rant.

Neither of the two making any since as to what they were going on about. Though, the acational spoute of Techno, Y/N was and didn't answer were some of the most coherent things Wilbur could hear between the two's frantic speech.

As Phil tried to get the two to calm down, Wilbur typed a quick message to Techno. Seeing as he'd only received his number.

Sending the message almost immediately.....


He began sending message after message. Soon switching to calling the guy. Only getting a voice mail, which is where he was now. Pacing frantically as he tried desperately to get a hold of his friend. Phil having ended the stream after receiving the news from Niki and Tommy. The three also trying to get Techno on the phone but to no avail.
Going as far as to try calling Y/N's phone, with little hope left, waiting for an answer.

One ring....







. Three..... No one answered...

The silence was cut through by the phone ringing once more. Tommy stared down at the phone in shock as the others looked up at their monitors in await. Tommy brought himself out of it!

"Y/-" He was cut off as he heard people talking in the background of the call.

"Hello? Tommy? I didn't expect anyone to cal- aren't you supposed to be in school!? " Y/N's asked, voice strained and scratchy. Various beeps and noises being picked up in between each word she spoke. The sound of wheels spinning on tile echoed throughout.
Each beep gave off an almost too familiar feeling.
Silence began to get lounder as no one had it in the to talk. The sounds and Y/N's vocal state were enough to give it away.

"Which one are you in mate? " Phil's almost fatherly tone broke the silence. Worry spilling out with each word.
A sigh was heard before a bearly audible mumble was picked up in the background.

"St. Thomas Hospital of London.... I'm fine Phil. Really." She said. Her voice broke between words like she was wincing in pain just by talking. "Tech is doing good too. H-he left his phone d-ue to him being in a hurry a-after he got a call. He's right next to me actually! T-though he's asleep on my arm... "
Her words drawing out for a second too long as she spoke. Stumbling over her words when trying to comfort them with the thought of her being okay.

" Hope you have room for six in that house of your's, mate. You're going to tell me what happened when I get there. " Phil said causing a slight choked laugh to erupt on the other end of the call.

"I have more than e-enough room for everyone, Phil. I don't believe sleeping beauty will have m-uch of a problem with seeing his friends. " Letting out a small gasp at the end of her sentence, Y/n began to bid them fair well as she had to wake Techno so he could go home and sleep. At least that was the reason she had given them before hanging up in a feverish hurry.

Even if she was waking Techno, that was almost impossible to do, due to the lack of strength and control she held over her body.

Something just didn't sit right with Wilbur. Y/n was headed to work that morning, even messaged everyone when she'd got there, so how did this happen minutes after.....


~THƎ GⱯWIN⅁ GOᗡ~(Technoblade x Reader)  Where stories live. Discover now