Chapter 1: Disruption

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Note: This story takes place post-crisis for the arrowverse. For the 100, it takes place after season two. For Wynonna Earp, it takes place after 4x06 (after the wayhaught engagement.) 

Third Person POV

"Alright Legends, we got a disruption in the timeline. Gideon, what're we up against?" the Captain of the waverider states. 

"Well Captain Lance, there seems to be a signature of kryptonite in National city, 1826." Gideon states. 

"That's over a hundred years before Krypton even exploded." exclaimed Nate. 

"Correct Mr. Heywood! That is why there is a disruption, the kryptonite appearing over one hundred years early has caused a major fracture in the timeline." Gideon explains. 

"Gideon is the kryptonite a large amount or just a fragment?" inquired Ava, "And when is it from?" she continued. 

"It is just a small shard of kryptonite from the present day, Captain Sharpe." 

"Ok Legends, strap in. We're going to the future home of the Girl of Steel!" Sara exclaimed as she sat in her seat, ready to take off. 

They set off into the temporal zone, on their way to 1826. When they arrive in the future home of the Girl of Steel, they suit up in the appropriate attire. "Nate and Ava, you're with me in the field. John and Behrad, I need you guys ready in case we need back up. Zari and Astra you're on QB. And Rory, you just be Rory." Sara stated, everyone nodded their heads in agreement as the field team headed out the door. 

"Hey Z, where are we going?" Sara asks through the comms. 

"Gidget, where is this, kryptonite located?" 

"Directly in the center of the city." Gideon replied. Zari presses the comms, "In the center of the city Sara." 

"Thanks Z. I'll update you when we get there. Stand by."

"Will do Cap."

Sara, Ava and Nate start walking towards the center of the city. They try to keep a low profile, and not interact with anyone other than each other. Each of them kept their heads down and avoided eye contact with everyone as much as possible. As they're about to reach the middle of the city, they come across some townsfolks breaking into a fist fight. Some helpless teen was getting beat up by a bunch of drunks. Nate wanted to step in, and he almost did, but Sara stopped him. "Hey, I know you want to help him. But we can't interact with anyone here. We don't know what the implications are."

"I know Sara. B-but, no one's helping him."

"Nate, we don't know what impacts this could have on the timeline." Ava argued. 

"Yes, and it may mess with Kara's life, we don't know. And if something happens to Kara, Alex won't only kill you, but she'll kill me too, herself." Sara added to Ava's statement. Nate sort of laughed at the statement. He nodded, and they continued on their way. Nate feels bad for not helping the poor kid, but he knew that he could possibly cause a break in the timeline. So he tried to let it go. 

Two minutes later, they reach the middle of the city. "Astra, Z, are we in the right place?" Ava asked through comms. "Yeah Ava. Gidget says that the green shiny rock should be around there somewhere." Zari responded while looking at the map Gideon put on the monitor. "Gideon's map shows that the kryptonite signature is in the building behind you." Astra adds. "Ok thanks Astra." Ava said as the three walked up to the front door of the house behind them. 

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