Chapter 2: A Luthor and a Super

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While the Legends were on their mission... 

Kara's POV

I finally get to take my lunch break. Andrea had me working all day on my new assignment. She has me trying to find out how Lex used obsidian to brainwash the world. She figured that I would be the best for the job because of my close friendship with his sister, Lena Luthor. Little does she know how close we are. 

I promised Lena that I'd stop by L Corp- sorry, Luthor Corp, to have lunch with her. On my way to Luthor Corp, I stop by Big belly burger to pick up some food for us. I buy two cheeseburgers, a small box of potstickers, and a small fry for myself. I buy one cheeseburger, and a kale salad for Lena. This is our usual order, but I still can't understand why she like kale so much. I mean, sure you want to eat healthy, I get that. But why would you choose to eat it every time we get Big belly burger? Whatever, as long as she's happy, and I don't have to eat it, I don't care. They call my order number and I grab the food from the worker. "Thank you." I say as I walk out of the door. I shoot up into the sky, and head for Luthor Corp. 

I land on the balcony of Lena's office. I knock on the glass to be polite. She motions for me to come in without turning from her tablet. "Hey Lena. I brought food." 

She turns around at the mention of food. "Oh my god Kara. I'm starving!" She gets up and takes the bag from my hands and says "Have I ever told you you're my favourite person?" 

I smile. "Once or twice. But I love hearing you repeat it!" She smiles at me, and pecks my on the lips. She goes to sit down on the couch at the other end of her office. I follow her, and sit beside her. "You seem stressed babe. Are you ok?" I ask with concern. 

"Yeah, the board is pressing me about anything and everything. They're saying stuff about Lex and- it's just too much at once." She looks at me, "But I'm better now that you're here." I smile, and lean in to kiss her passionately. Once we pull away, we take out our food and start to eat lunch. 

While we eat, we talk about our days so far and try to decide what movie we should watch later that night. I wanted to watch the Wizards of Oz, but Lena was opposed to it. Apparently we watch that movie a lot. I don't think we do, however it is my favourite movie. But whatever. We eventually decided on the Titanic, Lena's favourite movie. I know how much she loves that movie, and that she can't ever watch it alone because it reminds her of her mother's death. She always needs someone there with her when she watches it. So I agreed to the idea. We also agreed we'd watch it at my apartment this time. 

Once we both finished our food, we continue to talk about our day. I told Lena about the article that Andrea assigned me, and I also mentioned that I told Andrea that I will not use Lena just for an article. Lena was pretty content that I told Andrea, my boss, that. She smiled and hugged me. 

We sat there for a moment in each other's arms, before pulling away. Then I start to stare into those weakening, kryptonite eyes of hers. I get lost in her eyes, as she does mine. My gaze drifts from her kryptonite eyes, to her luscious lips. She notices, and she does the same. Then Lena leans in and kisses me softly. I return the kiss. 

After a quick make out session, I realize that my lunch break is almost over. "Lena," 

"Yes baby? What's wrong?" She answers in a slightly concerned tone. 

"M-my lunch is almost over."

"Awhh! Can't you just stay here?" Lena whines. She's so cute when she's like this. I smile at her adorableness. 

"I wish I could. But I have to go. Andrea is really on my case today about that article."

"I have an idea!" Lena exclaimed with a smirk on her face. My curiosity grew, so I respond with "What's that?" 

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