Chapter 3: What happened?

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Third person's POV

"Wha- where are we?" Kara's voice is shaky, "This isn't my city." 

"I don't where we are." Sara says, "I thought that you might know." 

"I- I don't-" Ava interrupts Kara, "Kara, this is the present day National city. We came on the waverider. Do you have any idea why the city looks like this?"

"I- I have no idea." Kara starts to breathe heavily as tears well up in her eyes. 

"Kara it's ok. We're going to fix this." Sara tries to calm Kara down, and tells her to sit on the couch. Kara sits down, and tries to think of the last thing she remembers from the night before. 

"The last thing I remember from last night was, I fell asleep on the couch while watching a movie with Le- Oh my Rao! Lena!" Kara exclaims, standing up from the couch and starts to pace. "Where is she?! Where's Lena? I need to find her. Someone could've taken her, or worse."

"Kara!" Sara says, Kara stops pacing to look at Sara. "You're rambling."

"Sorry, but I need to find Lena, now!" 

"Don't worry. I'm sure she's fine." Sara says as she motions for Kara to sit back down. Kara ignores Sara's suggestion to sit, and continues pacing nervously. 

"No Sara. We need to find Lena. She is my top priority!" Kara stops pacing as she realizes what she said. 

"Lena will be fine. And we will find her, but-" Kara cuts Ava off. 

"No! She comes first!" Kara exclaims. "The world can wait."

Sara starts to squint a bit, then her eyes go wide as she realizes what's happening. Sara smiles and begins to speak again. "Kara. When did this happen?" 

"Like I said, I don't know what happened to the city." 

"Uh, I don't think that's what she meant." Ava chimes in. 

"Then what do you mean?" 

"When did you and Lena, you know. Get together?" Sara elaborates. 

"H-how did you..." 

"Oh come on Kara. I knew you liked girls for years." Sara chuckles, "I have excellent gaydar!"

Kara just stands there in shock. Ava chimes in before Kara could respond. 

"No you don't babe." Ava laughs.

"What, of course I do." Sara argues. 

"Sure about that? You had no idea that I was gay until I mentioned it to those vikings." Ava elaborates. "And you were shocked when basically everyone told you they liked girls."

Sara scoffs, "Not everyone. Maybe just you, and Alex-"

Ava interrupts again, "And that nurse, and the queen of France, and-" 

"Ok, ok I get it!" Ava laughs. 

"Uh, it's a... recent thing." Kara finally answers. "After our fight about me not telling her about my identity, she told me why she got so upset in the first place." 


After Kara and Lena made up, they started having movie nights, just the two of them, to make up for lost time. They would rotate between Kara's apartment, and Lena's apartment. This time, they were at Lena's apartment. 

"Hey Lena?" 

"Yeah Kara? What's up?" Lena replies as she pauses the movie to move her attention to Kara. 

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