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young Slender:son of slenderman and has a sister and older then Splendy and he can be shy around people and kind of has a small crush on Erma

young Fender:son of offenderman but hates being compared to him and doesn't act like offenderman to other girls and is the oldest of the ink Slenders

young Splendy:son of Splendorman, he loves any performances he does and since Splendorman was sometimes nicknamed Splendy which I think is a cute nickname Splendorman named him Splendy and is the youngest of the group and he mostly loves Slender like a brother to him like how Splendorman is to Slenderman

young Senderend and Slinderend: are twins but only by birth and is the sons of Trenderman, Slinderend is emotionless but loves his brother and his cousins, Senderend is a book lover and loves to play piano a lot

and now Vlender:instead of ink he is made of black void and a spirit and he is part of Slender since he saved his life two times but the rest you will know soon

almost forgot of young Black berry:she is human but has Slenderman's ability of having the same tentacles as his and also Slenderman's interest of killing and loves Slender very much that she always protects her brother

(in the picture the slender the has the red scarf that is what Slinderend looks like but would be the son of Trenderman so if you guys know who created this picture let me know so I can give then credit)

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