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One thing I've noticed in this fandom is that America, Russia, Germany, Poland, and Japan are the main characters. You might be thinking "well aren't there 195 countries? Aren't they all equally important?" you're right, they are. 

Let's face it, most of our content is about European countries with exceptions to America, Canada, and Japan. The most popular ships are rusame and gerpol. The most popular stories revolve around the countries listed above. No one's gonna care if you write about the pacific islands. 

Why is it like this though? My theory is that most of us in the English side of the fandom are from europe or a western country. And of course it is in our interest to represent ourselves. Plus, most people don't know much about south america, africa, the middle east..... literally any place on earth except for america and europe :,)

Take me as an example. I know next to nothing about Africa and South America! Give me a map to label, and I'll be scratching my head. Maybe I'm just an uncultured westerner. The point is, if you don't know anything about a topic, you're probably not gonna want to portray it. 

This isn't an issue only in ch, I've heard hetalia has the same problem. Heck, it's even bigger than that because there are tons of youtube videos taking about eurocentrism and its impact. 

So can we do anything about it? Not really. Like I mentioned earlier, the concept of eurocentrism is far more widespread than just the ch community. The only thing we can do it acknowledge the fact that we mainly care about America and Europe and appreciate creators who see beyond that and portray less popular countries as well. 

What do you think? Is eurocentrism in the fandom a bad thing? Let me know! ^.^

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