The Beginning

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Hi! My name is Kailani Jackson, yes twin sister of the famous Percy Jackson. I am definitely not one for attention. So when my brother and I were named the saviors of Olympus along with the rest of the eight, I wasn't very happy. Sure I love the friends that I have made, but I just needed to get away for a while.

So that's how Percy and I ended up going to Forks, Washington for a year after the Giant War. Our mom's brother, Joshua Uley, lived up there with his son, Sam Uley. When her father and our grandpa died, she took it very badly. She moved away and changed her name to Jackson.

We found this out not even a month ago, and here we are, standing in our living room, surrounded by our bags with Mom, Paul, Annabeth, and Nico. Oh, and Leo figured out how to make scent dampeners and monster proof phones so we can not be tracked.

Our mom was worried that we would get hurt again, like usual. "You are sure you have everything?" She said to us quickly. "Yes Mom!" Percy and I said in unison. "Well then you better get going!" She said this with tears in her eyes. Percy and I saw this and went in to give her a hug. "Mom, you know that you can IM us any time you want right?" Percy said slowly. She nodded and gave us one more hug. We said goodbye to Mom and Paul and grabbed hands with Nico. As Nico shadow traveled away, all that I saw was Annabeth with tears in her eyes and Mom hugging Paul and crying.


Hey everyone! My name is Peter Parker, but you might know me as Spider-Man. I was out on patrol one night when I got a call from Aunt May.

"Hey May!" I said as I was swinging into the training compound.

"Hi Peter! Do you remember me telling you that I have a brother in Forks?" She said quickly.

"Yeah what about them? I said as I switched to my phone.

"He was wondering if you wanted to come and stay with him and his son for a bit."

"Yeah that sounds awesome! First let me check with Mr. Stark and then I'll get back to you. I'll see you when I get home!" I said excitedly.

We said good bye and I hung up. Walking into the lounge I saw Steve and Bucky sitting on the couch trying to figure out how the TV remote worked. I chuckled and walked into the kitchen. Mr. Stark was standing at the counter with Clint fixing his hearing aids which Clint had broken on a mission again.

"Hey Mr. Stark! I was wondering if I could go out of town for a while to stay with some family in Washington." I said while getting the lemonade out of the fridge.

"Yeah that sounds good kid. But only if we can come and visit. And I thought that I asked you to call me Tony." He said. He handed Clint back his hearing aids and Clint popped them in. He then proceeded to walk out of the door, ignoring me. Haha, I think to myself. He's still mad at me for pranking him last week. I had set up a pressurized plate outside the door to his room that when stepped on, triggered paint guns to spray at him from all angles. Let's just say that he wasn't very happy with me. 

Since I had nothing else to do, I went to go train in the gym. When I walked in, I saw Bucky and Steve had abandoned the remote and had came to train and were in the middle of a practice fight. Bucky had won because he had distracted Steve by giving him a light peck on the lips. 

I walked over to a shelf that had some weights. Mr. Stark always kept a spare pair of web shooters on the shelf just in case I didn't have mine with me. Since I had left mine on the counter in the kitchen, I grabbed the spare and started swinging around the room. By the time I had finished, I realized that it was 6:30. 

"Crap!" I said as I ran into the kitchen and grabbed my backpack and a piece of pizza from the open box sitting on the counter. 

I distantly heard Steve shout 'Language!' and I chuckled. By the time I got back to the apartment, it was 7:20 and May was waiting for me with dinner sitting on the table. I sat down and asked her when I would leave. 

"Your flight leaves tomorrow at 4." She said. 

I spit out my food and after excusing myself, I freaked out. 

"Wait TOMORROW! Oh my god! I still have to pack, and get the transfer papers, and tell MJ and Ned, and.." I rambled on while getting up and running to my room. 

May followed me and said, "Relax! I already got the transfer papers and told your teachers." 

"Oh thank goodness! Ok now I have to pack." She left so I could pack. After I finished packing I laid down in bed trying to fall asleep early for my flight tomorrow. I suddenly remembered my suit and jumped up and stuffed it under a bunch of clothes in my bag just in case I needed it. 

I laid down in bed again and finally fell asleep. 

When I woke up, I realized that I slept in and it was 10 am. I jumped out of bed, grabbed my bags, and called Happy to pick me up. When I went into the kitchen, May had left me a note saying that she will miss me, but she had to head to work. Happy honked when he got there, and I grabbed my bags and went outside. 

He brought me to the compound to say goodbye to everyone. When I walked into the compound and went to the lounge, I saw everyone hanging out watching TV. After I had said goodbye to everyone and promised that they could come and visit, I realized that Mr. Stark wasn't there. He was probably in his workshop. 

I walked down to say good bye and saw him sitting looking at a small box that he hid when I walked in. He stood up and walked up to me and enveloped me in a large hug. I stood there surprised and hugged him back. Mr. Stark wasn't usually a hugger, so this surprised me. He pulled away and said, "I have something for you as a going away present", as he pulled out the box that he was looking at when I walked in. 

He handed it to me and I opened it. It was a black bracelet that had a small button on the side. I put it on and said thank you, but when I went to grab my bags, he grabbed my hand and pressed the button. In merely seconds, a new Spider-Man suit had formed. "That is a nanotech bracelet and when you press the button and hold it down, a suit will form." said Mr. Stark. "It smells like a new car in here!" I shouted excitedly. 

After I got over the excitement of the new suit and deactivated the suit, I said good bye to everyone one last time, and it was off to the airport we go. 

AN: So how did you like the first chapter? Comment how you liked it! Also, sorry that the Marvel part was longer than the PJO part, I will make the PJO part longer next chapter, and also Twilight will come into play. I think I am going to post a chapter at least once every 2-3 days, so watch out for another one before Saturday. Once again, thanks for reading!

Isabella :)

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