Start talking....NOW

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  • Dedicated to Harry Styles

"Zac come on, let us in. Wally knows we're coming, you saw my cousin talking to him yesterday." Quinn eyed him and for the first time didn't talk to him/about him as if he was a god. "I can't Q girl, not unless you have some sort of proof you talked to him and booked an audtion yesterday." 

"Why didn't you just say that in the first place! I have a card from him right here!" I opened my bag to get the card and my bag split right open. Damn! That was my foax gucci bag! I loved that thing! Oh shit all my stuff was spilling everywhere. Wow I must look like an idiot.

I picked everything up and handed Zac the card Wally had given me. I watched him like a hawk as his eyes moved across the words that I had read at least  a thousand times between last night and Starbucks breakfast this morning.

"Okay, this is good enough for me. Head up to floor 8, you can use that elevator right there." He pointed to an elevator we could see through the big glass doors. A doorman opened the door for us when Zac gave him a nod. As Quinn and I walked through the threshhold, I could instatnly smell a sweet smell. Almost like roses. This would eventually the smell I would refer to as Richy Rich Scent. I turned around to see if I could see that cute guy I bumped into before. What was his name again? I'm really bad at names.

On the way up in the elevator I pulled myslef together and actually felt butterflies in my stomach. This is it. I have been waiting for this my whole life. My chance to proove I'm just as good as everyone. My chance to show the losers back at home I was worth something. My time to shine. The doors opened with a ding and Quinn pushed me into the loby of the eighth floor. There was a big desk made of marble with a water streaming down the front. I don't know exactly what those things are called. Desk fountains? Fountain desk? A desk with a fountain in it? Who cares. Maybe Wally would know. A blonde girl sat propped behind the desk typing on the computer. She lifted her head up and loudly, almost on the veerge of screaming, said, "Welcome! Hi there! Hi how are you! I'm Ashley! You must be here for the auditions little missy!" God she was perky. And Wally was right. I could tell she was kind of on the dumber side of the population. 

"Yes I'm here for an audition with Wally Quest." I answered. "Ohmygodddd, Wally is the best boss ever!!! If you get a part, you will love having him as your agent! Let me tell him you're here." She had this huge grin on her face it was hilarious. She had huge fake nails with bright pink nail polish on them. She pressed one button at a time on her phone. It took her about ten seconds to dial the number to his office.

I looked out the big window to the left of the elevator. I could just see all the weird little actors and acttresses doing their weird pre-acting routines. I wonder if they knew that they probobly wouldn't even get in to audition today. They reminded me of Sharpy from High School Musical. BRRR-BRRR-BRRR-MAHHH-MAAAH-MAAHH. I was interupted from my thoughts by the sound of ringing from the reception desk. Wally's voice came over the phone. "Yes Ashley?" "Hi Wally! A Scarlett Rhymes is here to see you." "Great you can bring her right in." "Kay kay!" About five seconds went by of pure silence. "Ashley you have to hang up the phone." "Ooops! Heehee sorry!" She hung up the phone. This was going to get very annoying very fast. 

Ashley got up and said "Follow me!" We passed a bunch of offices and conference rooms. This was one of those office buildings where the really rich people work. I love these kind of places because they're always so clean and I'm kind of a neat freak. Ashley opened a door about midway through the end of the hallway. "Just come sit right in here and Wally will call you into the audition room in a few minutes when he's ready for you!" "Thanks Ashley." Quinn and I both moaned, clearly annoyed by her happiness. She closed the door and walked back out to the hallway.

"Wow. I don't think I have met someone so perky." I laughed because of course it was true. Quinn's phone buzzed and she acted again as if I wasn't there. "Your boys are all in Ireland." Of course I knew exactly who she was talking about. "Awww they must be with Niall and his family!" I smiled, Niall was my special one :). "Okay well I don't really know who that is but it means if you get this job then I bet you could meet them!" "Quinn they will probobly only be there for like a week. I wouldn't be going to Ireland for weeks or months even if I get the job." Silence again. I guess if Quinn found out that information, the boys must be tweeting right now. I reached in my ripped bag for my phone. Wait a second, where is it. Oh shit I must have dropped it on the sidewalk when my purse broke! Oh no! ANybody could have it now! Damn!!! I This can;t be good! If one thing bad already happened to me, what if the audition doesn't go well! 

"Scarlett Rhymes?" Some guy had just stuck his head in the doorway and mtioned for me to come in. Quinn raised her eyebrows and said "Good luck cuz." Wow she actually took a few seconds to look up from her phone and say some nice words to me. Of course I loved Quinn but ever since she got out of college, she has been a little tech crazy. 

I walked into the audition room. Wally waved at me and said "Hey Scarlett how you doing!" Another guy with a clipboard and a cup of coffee sat next to him. "I'm good, how are you guys." "We're good! This is Bud Anderson by the way. He is the director for CHWS." C-H-W-S? What does that mean. Oh wait I know, it's Coming Home with Scars. Oops, I hope they can't tell I'm confused. Oh gosh I'm so nervous. "Scarlett we are just going to have you read some of the script and see how you flow. And in a few minutes, we are going to bring someone else auditioning in here  to read with you to see how your chemistry works."

Okay. This is it. I can't screw this up. Here comes my use eleven years of public speaking. Here I go. I will probobly start stuttering and my face will get red. Shut up Scar, you can do it. Just go. Start reading.... NOW.

****Hey guys! Thanks for getting me to my 200th read of the story!! Right click on the picture  (multimedia picture) and you can see the outfit I pictured Scarlett wearing to the audition. Keep reading and hope you like it! I KNOW ONE DIRECTION ISN'T IN IT MUCH YET BUT THEY WILL BE IN A FEW CHAPTERS!! I PROMISE!!! 

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