What Happened On Floor Eight

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  • Dedicated to Liam Payne

15 Minutes Later

 "Thank you Ms. Rhymes. Now for the second part of your audition we're going to call in another auditioner so you can speak to each other and see how the chemistry flows." Wally smiled. Ok, I was good. Just stay calm for the next couple of minutes Scar, it will be fine.

Wally got up and opened a door on the other side of the room. "Mr. Calahan? You can come on in now." God I hope he isn't cute. If he's cute he will just mess me up. Or maybe he should be cute... he could end up beingmy costar. Oh who am I kidding I must have messed up a hundred times during the reading. This little dream of mine is about to break. 

Through the door walked the guy I met on the street a half hour ago. He was cute! What was his name again. Ethan! So not just his face was perfect, his name was too? Ethan Calahan. Who has a name like that? It flows so well. God now I'm getting nervous jsut thinking about my own stupid thoughts. 

"Oh hey! We met outside, remember?" He asked. "Yeah. I'm Scar-" "I remember." He winked to me and turned to Wally and Bud. "Well this is good, you guys already have some chemistry." Shit was I that obvious that I was nervous around this guy? Wally handed us both a script of a few pages and motioned for us to start.  

Five Minutes of Nervously Reading the Script Later

 "And my cousin- she was my only friend. And she was terrible to me most of the time. I envy her. Even though she is gone, I still do." I said, getting through the line with a stutter. 

"Iris! You can't say that. Coralie was everything to me. She was all I had. No parents, no money, no family. Just her." Ethan responded back. I still didn't get what this movie was about.

"You had more than just her Porter. You had me. The whole time. I was there. I could be your friend. I could be your family." The stage directions now told me to yell at Ethan's character. "She was not all you had! I was here the whole time! Cassia and I were here and we still are. Cora is gone. Forever."

"And, scene! Wow guys that was great! Thanks for coming in. We will call you in the next couple of days to let you know." Wally and Bud got up and walked out of the room. Just Ethan and I. Well this was awkward.

"Um, it was nice meeting you. I hope I get to see you again and good luck." I said trying not to make eye contact. 

"Yeah, you too." I started to walk to the door. "Oh wait a sec," he riffled through his jacket pocket. "I believe this belongs to you." He handed me my phone.

"Oh my god! How did you know this was mine!" "I saw you drop your bag and ran over and grabbed the phone once you got inside. I told that big security guy that I needed to get it to you and then I told that girl at the front desk that I was here for an audtion. She was stupid enought to actually let me in here." 

"I can't believe this! This sounds weird but you just saved me! Without this, I wouldn't be able to get the call from Bud and Wally." 

"Well I'm glad I could help. Good luck Scar." Scar? I've known this guy for like an hour. The weird thing was that normally I would think it was creepy he alrady nicknamed me. But I didn't this time. I kind of liked that he called me Scar. 

 "Bye." Wow that sounded stupid of me. He was like already gone and I was there like, oh bye new obsession! I stood there for a couple seconds and then went back out to the room where Quinn was waiting. She jumped right up, resulting in her phone flopping right onto the floor. 

"WHAT HAPPENED WHAT HAPPENED WHAT HAPPENED." She ran over to me and grabbed my hands and started to jump. "WHAT HAPPENED WHAT HAPPENED WHAT HAPPENED!!!" "I did my best."

Blocks away, Wally and Bud walked across a street. "Like I told Frank, this is our Iris. She is perfect." Wally said to Bud. "You're right. Scarlett Rhymes becomes the famous Iris."

*****Sorry I havn't written in a while!!! And sorry this isn't very long!!! Promise to wtite again soon!!!!!*****

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2013 ⏰

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