Crowded Streets

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  • Dedicated to Zayn Malik

The next morning I woke up at 5:30. I was so excited!! I couldnt beieve I had an audition for a real movie today! In less than twelve hours! Well to be more precise at 9:30. Yesterday was such a good day thinking about it now. Quinn was in a much better mood after meeting the security guy, I don't remember if I ever found out his name but I found out that she broke up with Aiden. She just started talking and talking and talking about the security guy after we met him. We got to dinner and she finally asked what Wally asked for. I told her everything about the movie deal and the whole audition thing. She even agreed to wait in the lobby while I had my audition! After dinner we just walked around Times Square and just shopped. Quinn even bought me a whole outfit for my audition. I couldn't wait for 9:30!!! We stayed at my Aunt Lindsey's second appartment in NYC which is right across the street from where the ball drops on New Years Eve.


 Quinn woke up around 7:00 and took about 45 minutes just on her hair. We finally left the appartment at 8:00. We went to Starbucks for fraps and some fancy bread food thing I can't remember te name of. I kept making Quinn walk past Wally's building at least ten times. "We should get back here by 9 to make sure we don't get lost in the building or anything stupid like that." I knew that just meant she wanted to lokk for her security guy. 


 Just my luck at 9, we had passed Wally's building about fifteen minutes prior. Dang we were gonna be late. We scurried down the crowded street getting back to Wally's bulding. One block away now. I just have to cross this street. I got to the corner of Wally's building's street. I turned around to make sure Quinn was keeping up with her six inch heels on. And all of a sudden, SMACK. I crashed straight into somebody or something. Whatever or whoever it was was very muscular. I was prepared to get yelled at or laughed at or a combination of both. By habitat, I winced, expecting the worse. The guy/thing I bumped into turned around. I was instantly mesmorized. He had gorgeous brown eyes and hair that looked as perfectly groomed as could possibly be. He had a conused expession on his face. I opened my mouth to say sorry but I couldn't remember why I was sorry anymore. "Are you okay?" He asked lifting his perfect eyebrows. "Ummm....I....umm." He raised his eyebrows even more as I continued to embarrass myself. "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm fine, are you?" "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm Ethan." He extended his hand gesturing for me to shake it. "I'm Scarlett. Do you know what this huge crowd is waiting for?" "There are auditions for a movie going on today." "Does the movie happen to be called Coming Home with Scars?" "Yeah, are you auditioning?" "I thought so. Who are you auditioning for?" "Well there are two main leads so I'm trying for Porter." Porter? Who the heck was Porster? I barely even knew my character. Shit what if all these girls in front of me in this crowd were trying out for my part? What was it called? Isis? Isla? Iris! That's it. I'm trying out for Iris. 

I grabbed Quinn's hand and pulled her through the crowd of weird actors. "Where are you going?!" Ethan yelled over the heads of more auditioners. "I'm getting through this crowdd to talk to-" I didn't get to finish my yelling session with Ethan because I was pushed backwards. I got a quick glance at the guy who was pushing me. It was the security guy! I never thought I would be happy to see him! "Zac!" Quinn yelled and threw herself on him. Zac! Of course that was his name! "Zac can you get us through to see Wally? I have to get up for my audition!" 

*****Please let me know what you guys think of this!!! I want to know that I'm not just writing to an empty room!!*****

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