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And a water airplane passes you guys and you look to see where it goes and a little girl catches it and wiggles her eyebrows
"Hey, I'm wheels. Yes, they call me that account of the wheelchair. It's a little on the nose, but I like it because it's cool." Wheels says
"Okay." You and missy say in unison
"You probably think I'm in the wheelchair 'cause my legs are weak, but it's the opposite. My muscles are so strong my bones can't support 'em. But lucky for me, my brains the same way. It's super charged, so I'm good." Wheels says
"So, wheels, who's your new friends?"
"Missy, y/n, this is noodles we call him that because, well..."
"He stretches and twist like a noodle?" Missy says
"Yeah, basically." Noodles says
"And that's ojo. Her power is she's a genius drawer. Like Van Gogh mixed with Monet with just a Sprinkle of Salvador Dali.
"Can I see that?" Missy asked her and you go walk right next to missy as ojo hands the iPad to missy "a kid standing on top of floating chairs?" Missy asked and ojo nodded
"An exploding exercise ball?" You asked
"Nothing she draws makes an ounce of sense." Wheels says.
"Is that us?" You and missy asked I. Unison
"Why'd you draw us in the front of the class?" Missy asked
"Oh, she won't answer." Noodles says
"She only speaks through her drawings." Wheels says
🎶 don't speak I know just what your saying 🎶
"No you don't. You have no clue what she's saying." Noodles says
"and that's A Capella" wheels says
"it me" A Capella says
"that's your superpower? You can sing?"
Missy asked
"yep, but I have an unusual range I can go loooowwww. Or I can go hiiiiigggghhhhhh!!!!! I can even go really....."
"I don't hear anything" you and missy say in unison
"it's beyond human hearing" A Capella says
"miss A Capella Vox, would you please refrain from using your high voice every dog in the neighbourhood has surrounded our building" Granada says in the speakers And you all start laughing. "she can sing so low she moves objects show her how you make things float" wheels says and A Capella sung so low she made three chairs float and face maker started climbing them and started flexing and you giggled a bit and facemaker jumped off the chairs before A Capella dropped them
"alright let's see who's left that's blinding fast's kid, slo-mo he's actually moving very fast but somehow his powers have him stuck in a time warp" wheels explains
Missy and you wave at him and slo-mo waves back slowly
"hiiii..." Slo-Mo says slowly
"that kid over there" wheels points
"two packs of candy for crossing our eyes" facemaker says
"is facemaker"
"ok" noodles says and He crosses his eyes "beat that"
"he makes the craziest faces" wheels explains Facemaker crosses his eyes making them go in the middle and each eye on the other side
"it's impossible" noodles says getting frustrated
"I can even change my face to look like you" facemaker says and He changes his face to look like noodles
"he's cheating I can't compete with that"
Noodles and brakes the table
"oh, dude Rewind clean up aisle two. That's rewind he can rewind time but just a few seconds" wheels explains A Capella and rewind move the table and facemaker brings the exercise ball Noodles pops it and sends facemaker flying
"their twins. It's crazy, right?" Wheels asked
"what twins? What are you talking about" you and missy asked in unison
"fast forward, are you at it again?" Wheels asked
"you were taking so long, I skipped you forward a bit. Sorry, not sorry." Fast forward says
"she and rewind are twins opposing powers the only thing they agree on is they don't like each other." Wheels explains
"At all" the two say in unison
"Yikes." You whisper to missy
they're twins. It's crazy, right? And then there's our fearless leader, wild card there's not a power in the world he doesn't have." Wheels explains
"true" Wildcard says
"sure he has every power imaginable, but since he can't focus his energy, they show up randomly" facemaker says
"also true.... until now that is. Teleport!" Wildcard says and His book set fire and water shaped as a fire truck floats over
"and last, but definitely not least, this is guppy" Wheels says
"how are you making that?" Missy asked
"my mommy is lavagirl but my daddy is sharkboy so instead of lava, I move water." Guppy explains and puts the fire out "I need hydration for my powers to work." She makes a shark and person out of water and makes the shark jump up and grab the water person in its mouth
"that's really cool." You and missy say in unison
"thanks" guppy says
"so, new girls, what's your super power?"Wildcard asked.
"I have the same power as our dad." You say
"yea uhh with the whole powers thing-." Missy gets cut off
"wait a second. I remember you two your Marcus moreno's kids." Facemaker says
"Yeah our dad hasn't gone on any missions for a while so We've  been chilling with the normal kids" Missy says
"why would they put a kid with superpowers in with normal kids? Oh, I get it. You don't have any powers." Wildcard glared at missy.
"you're powerless?" Wheels asked
"whatever can we put on the tv I think wanna see if there's any news about our parents" missy says and you pat missy on the back And Wheels puts the tv on.
"You know this is an epic heroic smackdown event when they've called in sharkboy" the female reporter says and You all cheer
"yeah" guppy cheers
"Earlier today, sharkboy appeared from the ocean depths, landing on the beach of south padre island." The male reporter says
" and moments later, lavagirl blasted up from inside an active volcano" the female reporter says
"go sharkboy and lavagirl!" Guppy cheers for her mom and dad
"she's from the earths core you know. And here's mayor Doolittle at today's Ribbon cutting for his new city hall, rebuilt after the last time the heroics went into action. Did you see that? Of course you didn't. That means it's none other than blinding fast, the fasted heroic on the planet." The female reporter says
"Goooo... daddddd..." Slo-Mo says slowly
"and here comes crashing low!" The female reporter says Crashing low crashes into the mayors building
"and there goes the mayors new building in record time." The male reporter says
You all start cheering
"these battles are insanely expensive for taxpayers, but so entertaining" the female reporter says
"pass the popcorn. His battle's gonna be epic" Wildcard says Slo-mo passes him the popcorn slowly
"this is unprecedented All the heroics have been called into action against the alien threat" the female reporter says
Wildcard snatched the popcorn from slo-mo because hu was going to slow for him
"we're getting some live footage now" the male reporter says
"and look who's back in action it's miracle guy you didn't expect him to actually lose, did you?" Another female reporter says
You see all their parents there then you all see yours and missy's dad
"he's not supposed to be there" you and missy say in unison
"oh my god! No way!" The female reporter says
"No ones ever taken down miracle guy!" Noodles says

~with the parents~

"Evasive maneuvers!" Lavagirl says
Sharkboy gets knocked into a plane
"you ok, sharkboy?" The pilot asked
Sharkboy gets taken away by a robot tentacle?

~back to you guys~

Guppy gasp Then medical guy gets taken away
"oh no. I'm just getting some terrible news it's almost unimaginable, but two of our hero's have been captured by the intruders." The female reporter says
"I thought the heroics were unbeatable"
Guppy says
"they are unbeatable it's not over yet" Wheels says
" it looks like our hero's are fighting amongst themselves again." The female reporter says

~With the parents~
"lady's first." Crimson legend says
"I don't need your dated chivalry." Red lightning fury says
"fine I'll go" crimson says
"how dare you!
They both start fighting trying to get through the door but they got captured"says red lightning fury

~back to you guys~
"Mom!"rewind yells
"dad!" Fast forward yells
"go dad!"facemaker cheers
Then his dad got captured to
Rewind was putting it all over again toward where he could see his parents
The fast forward fast forwarded it
Then rewind put it back again
Then fast forward fast forwarded it again
"I want to see it again" rewind says
"and I don't want to see it again" Fast forward argues back
"and here comes Mrs.vox to the rescue she'll get those aliens singing a different tune" the female reporter says
"ahhh, ahhhh, ahhhh!" Mrs.Vox sang and got rid of some of the aliens Then she got captured
"they took Mrs.Vox!" The female report says Lavagirl was throwing lava at the ship and hit tech-no on accident
"they got tech-no" the male reporter says
"there goes lavagirl! What is happening our hero's are dropping like flies!" The female reporter says
"they won't get blinding fast. Not him he's to—." Wheels says and They take blinding fast and a tear slowly comes down slo-mo's face
"it's all up to Marcus Moreno now." The male reporter says the your dad fell and hit the side of a car he then calls missy through her bracelet and you go over there next to missy
"Dad? Dad, we had a deal." You and missy say in unison
"I know I promised I wouldn't be a hero anymore. But I'm still the leader of the heroics" your dad says
"dad? Dad, run get out of there!" Missy says
"and a good leader... leads by example"
"Dad!" You both yell
"I'm sorry kiddos" They got your dad to
"this is... unbelievable unimaginable" the female reporter says
"lady's and genital men.. the heroics have fallen" the male reporter says
"we're getting word that the president would like to address the nation"
"people of America, as you have witnessed, the heroics have been captured, Military forces are stepping in, mobilising to bring our hero's back. But while it looks rather hopeless... it's bad it- it's hopelessly bad." The president says "how did this guy get to be president? He can't even put two sentences together" Facemaker says
"we have just received a message from the supreme commander of the aliens that has been decoded. It reads, "we are from the planet Ogima. Unfortunately, we have no choice but to prepare you for... takeover please comply or els earth will be destroyed. You have three hours." I'm afraid that was the entire message. There are no hero's left. God save us all."

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