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"Ok, everyone, missy y/n and I figured out a way for us to do this. Check it out. Ojo drew us a clue. A supply ship." Says wildcard while the others pat ojo on the back. "So what does that mean?" A Capella asked. "It means there's probably one nearby that we'll sneak on board and pilot it to the mother ship." Wildcard explains. "That's actually a good idea no Mather who thought of it." Wheels says. "Thank you." Wildcard crosses his arms and fully groans and rolls her eyes. "Come on, it's time we show these aliens what's what." Says missy. And you all run but slo-mo can't go that fast "hurry up slo-mo." Wildcard yells. "Look there's a supply ship, just like in ojo a drawing!" Missy says and they all groan in disgust at the tentacles. "Shh. Keep it down" you tell them. "Wait. Wait, wait a second. Let's go." Says missy And you all run the the supply ship. "Shut the door and let's get the heck out of here. Wheels, can you-"missy was gonna ask something but was cut off by wheels. "No! We're not all here!" Wheels says. "What? Who's missing?" Fast forward asked "oh" she said as she sighed. "Slo-mo, cut it out! Run." Wildcard says. "He would run if he could so leave him alone Wildcard!" You tell Wildcard. "Hurry! They're coming back!" Guppy yells. "10 to 1 says he's tentacled." Facemaker tells wheels. "Dude." Wheels says.

~Time skip~

"I'm gonna go check it out." Noodles says and stretches his head to look. "We're all good." He says and you all walk out of the ship. "Am I just really small, or is this ship really big?" Guppy asked. "its enormous." Says rewind. "Yeah how are we gonna find our parents?" Fast forward asked. "I was thinking about that. Ms.Granada found us really easily back at grandmas house, and I think I know how both of your bracelets." Wheels says. "We haven't been able to contact our dad." Missy says to wheels. "But maybe the transmitter in here that contacts the three bracelets works like a tracking device. But I need a pair of pliers and a heat source." Wheels says. "My teeth are strong because my dads a Shark." Guppy says. "Perfect." Wheels says. "And I have a heat source. Heat vision." Wildcard tried. "And now he's a toaster." Says facemaker. "He tried tho." You say. "Close enough." Wheels says.

~time skip~

"Is it working?" Wheels asked missy. "Well, it's leading us somewhere." Missy says. "He that was really good back there." You tell wildcard. "Yeah it was." Says missy. "Turning into a toaster instead of making heat vision?" Wildcard says. "It was heat related, that's real progress." Missy says. "I guess it's progress." Says wildcard. "You just watch. Pretty soon you'll be teleporting like it's nobody's business." You say. "it's all about belief." Says missy. "Um... guys. Does anybody els hear that?" A Capella asked. "What is that?" The rewind and fast forward asked in unison. "It's bellow us. I can feel it." Says wheels and you all lean against a wall and scream then run after y'all see something breaking the floor which was a tentacle. "Which way." Asked face maker. "That way" says missy pointing to a door and you all run there but then a tentacle came out of the ground A Capella vocalises and she keeps the tentacle in one place and signals you guys to go so you guys do. "Look at that thing." Wildcard says. "What the heck is the president doing here?" Missy whisper yells. "So they're inside this thing? All of them?" The president asked. "That's correct." One man said. "How long before the takeover begins?" " according to the supreme commander less than an hour." "So soon." "That's what she says, and she's never wrong." "You don't have to remind me. Ever wonder why we bother with all this when she already knows how it's gonna turn out?" "All part of the process, I suppose." You start to think "What is that thing." Facemaker asked. "You heard him. It's a rocket stuffed to the gills with aliens. In less than an hour , they'll send it down to earth and start the takeover." Wildcard says. "Well, then we have to stop them. Let's go." Missy says.
You were all about to run to the door then it opens revealing ms. Granada. "Do you children have any idea what you've done? Stealing one of our trains? Turning headquarters upside down? Flying an alien shuttle into outer space. Hmm?" Ms.Granada asked and then squeals a little "well done. Looks like we underestimated your abilities and your leadership qualities you took a huge risk, but it was the right risk. Headquarters was attacked minutes after you escaped. If you had t broken out, you would have all been captured. And now you've managed to lead us into the heart of this alien mother ship? I'm so proud."
"Wait, so we're not in trouble?" Missy asked
"Of course not, you are hero's."
You all started cheering  except ojo
"Missy, y/n her vital signs are all over the place." Then ojo showed the drawing to missy
"Save your breath, Granada. They know."
Said the president.
"Uh oh." Guppy says
And they grow tentacles from their backs.
"Well, then... round them up." Granada says as they grab you all with their tentacles.
"Watch it." Facemaker says they threw slo-mo.
"Quit the pantomime, slo-mo. You didn't even scrape a knee." Wildcard said and slo-mo shrugged as he got up
"Oh shut up wildcard it's not his fault." You say
"Oh, good. Just the kind of divisive attitude I've been counting on. You kids are just like your parents. The same in-fighting. The same bickering. Putting your own egos ahead of your team." Granada says and guppy brings her water out. "Take away her water. They're to powerful together." They push the rewind and fast forward away from each other. "Oh, don't worry. I won't take away your little toy. I already know what your future is. Imprisonment. Life long." She chuckles as she walks out.
"How are we getting out of here?" Guppy asked
"I...don't know." Missy says

~with the parents~

"What do you mean you don't know?"miracle guy asked.

"I mean... I don't know. I'm thinkin. I'm thinking." Marcus says

"Enough thinking.I'm gonna punch my way out of here. I have to save my son."

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