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"Oh. Right. And you think that's enough. Believing in yourself." Granada mocks him.
"You tell me..." Wildcard says

~with the other kids~

"Everyone spread out! Slo-mo attack! Guppy, waterslide!" Missy yells and and gives slo-mo a little push.
"Hey, only speed up slo-mo." Rewind tells fast forward.
"How?" She asked
"I'll help you. Together." They hold hands and speed up slo-mo only and slo-mo attacks the monster ojo drew

~with wildcard~

"Attack!!" Granada screeched
"Flight." Wildcard says
And flys above a guards head
"Shape shift." And he turned into a bowling ball and falls on a guards foot and the guard screamed in pain and wildcard turned back into himself  "electricity fingers." As you were about to burn the guard behind you two he zapped him and wildcard zapped another guard that was going to come up to you two. "And my personal fave... the freeze ray" he starts freezing Granada until it reaches up to by her neck

~with the parents~

"You know I think facemaker and y/n like each other even though they just met but they don't wanna show it" Anita says
"That's not true." Crashing low and Marcus say
"Just wait and see."
Guppy starts spraying water at the monster thing
"I'm running out of water." She says
"This is to much stress I can't take it." Lava girl said.
"Come on, missy and y/n. You got this. I know you do." Marcus says as you stick out your hands and swords come in your hands
"That's what I'm talking about" you say

~with the kids~

"Guppy, make ninja stars." Missy tells guppy and that's what guppy does "noodles, slingshot!" Missy yells
"Hold my leg." Noodles tells facemaker.
"Somebody pull noodles." Missy says and slo-mo runs over and the ninja stars stick to of the monsters on the wall as tou all cheer.
"I'm out. I need water." Guppy says
"Hey guppy. This whole thing is covered in liquid metal. Liquid!" Wheels tells guppy.
"Oh" guppy says and runs over to it and makes a shark out of the liquid metal and the shark eats two monsters."
"Go! Yes!" Guppy says
"Not so fast." Ojo says and makes two more monsters
"Noodles, make a tight rope." Missy says
"Somebody go on to the Center and draw them in. No wait! I have to do this." Missy says "I can do this." Missy goes on the tight rope noodles made with his arm.

~with the parents~

🎶 "I. 🎶
🎶I will be king🎶
🎶and you🎶
🎶you will be queen🎶
🎶and nothing🎶
🎶no, nothing could tear us apart...🎶
Mrs.vox starts singing

"She's leading by example" Marcus says

~with the kids~

🎶oh, we can be hero's🎶 both ACapella and mrs.vox sing
🎶just for one day🎶
🎶we can be hero's🎶
🎶just for one day🎶
🎶we can be hero's🎶
🎶just for one day🎶

Missy signals noodles to bring his arm back in to let them drop and noodle nods and does what she signalled him to do and she does a dramatic fall
Then noodle stretches his arm and caught Missy and brought her up and Missy gave noodles a thumbs up and he gave her one back

~with the parents~

"Hey! Did you see that? Did you see what my son just did?" Tech-no asked miracle guy
"Unfortunately, I was looking at my own cool kid." He pats tech-no on the back

~back with the kids~

"How's it going, wheels?" Missy asked while hugging you all
"Don't scare me like that again" you whisper to missy
"Great." Wheels says "all we have to do is swap out the ignition chambers motherboard with one that'll tell the device it launched even though it didn't. That way we fool it-" wheels was explaining but was cut off by noodles
"Dude, just tell us how long."
"Oh, now long. Now put it in the ignition chamber up there." Ojo smacks the ignition out of noodles hand with a tentacle she drew
"Oh, no." Missy says "noodles."
"I can't reach." Noodles says
"It's to high to jump." Facemaker says
"Nobody would ever survive that fall." Missy says
"I... can." Slo-mo says slowly
"Slo-mo?" Missy questioned and then he jumped in "Slo-Mo! Rewind stop him. Reverse it!"
"Hold on! I think he knows what he's doing." Rewind says
"We're running out of seconds." Missy says and they all cheer when they see that Slo-Mo had the ignition
"Uh, guys how are we gonna get him back up here?" Wheels asked

~with wildcard~

"We need you. right now!" You say
"On my way. Stay cool." Wildcard says and teleports back to you guys
"Dude! You actually teleported!" Facemaker says and him and wildcard high five
"Get down there, quick!" Missy yells Wildcard and he teleports down there and flies back up
"Now swap the motherboards up there!" Wheels says

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