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"well, I'm not. And we don't have time to argue. So what I say goes" Anita says
"yes ma'am" Wildcard says and goes quiet
"hmm. Welcome to my training ground. Let's boogie"

Time skip

Rewind ducked when the red robot thing tried punching him again and he grabbed its hand kicked it and flipped it and it disappeared and rewind did a flip and did a pose then it was guppy's turn she punched the robot thing in the stomach filled it over so she's on top of it and keeps punching it in the face
"cálmate, guppy! Calm down, dear."
Wildcard was on the rope And it's A Capella's turn to fight the red robot thing she grabs it's hand and punched it in the face and flipped it and pulled on it's arm and then poses missy was in the rope losing her balance
"whoa... oh I can't do this nope not for me"
You fight the red robot thing you You ducked as it tried to punch you you kicked it grabbed it by it's arm and flipped it over and did a pose but you didn't know that Facemaker was watching the whole time
"ah. Okay, nieta, your turn" Anita yells missy
"what? I'm not ready." Missy says
"and that's how you become ready, by doing it. Mwah!"
She kisses missy's head "go"

~With the guards~

"I'm picking up a leap in the sound"
"what are they saying? Can you hear them?" Granada asked
"yes, it sounds like... they're rocking out."

~back with you guys~

"ok work together" missy says Rewind goes back in time a little
"stay in sync. Good!" You say
"whoa whoa whoa! Wrong way ! Your going the wrong way" facemaker tells guppy and she growls and chases facemaker as he runs and screams for his life noodles grabs her
"guppy stay calm" you and missy says in unison
"guppy! Your in a shark frenzy! Attacking even your friends. Your powers are useless If you don't stay calm and focused" missy says
"go meditate" you say
Guppy was meditating slo-mo went through the swinging punching bags and the last one hit him and he was bouncing back slowly
"someone catch slo-mo noodles! I mean, no, facemaker" missy says
"what? Who? make up your mind." Rewind and fast forward say in unison
"I got him" noodles says
He stretches and tries to catch slo-mo but smacks the stick thing out of A Capella's hand and hits rewind right in the head and noodles falls and so does facemaker and then noodles grabs on to wheels wheel chair they all fall except you wildcard and fast forward
"LISTEN TO ME!!" Missy screams
"I got him" You say and catch slo-mo
"Slo-mo, you never do anything right" Wildcard says You all look at missy she just sits down with her head on her fist

~With the parents~

"I don't understand your problem." Invisi girl says
"my problem?" Red lightning
"yes you wanna come up in my face. What's your problem? Talk to me. What is it?"
"you don't know what you're doing."
"I don't know what I'm doing?"
"we do work in the same organisation. It's be nice if you communicated" blinding fast says to shark boy
"why don't you just vanish.
invisi girl?" Red lightning tells Invisi girl
"I'll make you disappear." Invisi girl says
"don't make me use my outside voice on you two. 🎶Ha! Ha!🎶" mrs.Vox says
"you know if you'd fought the aliens like this, we wouldn't be captured right now." Marcus says
"that's what I've been trying to tell him" blinding fast says
Shark boy throws a fish at blinding fast head
"why don't you cheer us up by singing one of those little songs you sing so well, shark boy. Man, you got some fish to fry." Miracle guy says to shark boy
"hey, hey, hey. Calm down, shark boy. He's just baiting you" lava girl says holding shark boy back
"please stop fighting. You're like children. Actually, worse." Marcus says
"yeah, miracle guy, why not pretend there's a camera on you?"
"well there's not a camera on me, and it's kind of liberating I can be my true self, and my true self doesn't like you" miracle guy says And He points at Marcus
"or you. Or you" He points at shark boy and lava girl and lava girls hair sets fire then something comes into the room
"what the heck is that?"
"it's a... camera." Marcus says
They all pose "I demand you release us, whoever or whatever you are."
Then a hologram of the president shows
"mr. President."

Italics- the president talking

"greeting, heroics."
"*clears throat* there's something you should know, mr.President. I didn't vote for you." Miracle guy says
"the aliens didn't allow much time for me to give you this message. It's about your children. They've disappeared from headquarters."
"they'll be completely helpless without us."

~back to you guys~

"That's good back in formation" Anita yelled she looks around to see no missy
"Keep training" you all go back to training while Anita taps your shoulder signalling you to come with her and you nod

~with you, Anita and missy

"~sighs~ Now, now. You didn't expect to get it on the first try, did you?" Anita told missy. "I'm never gonna get it. Not with a million tries. You know why? Because I'm useless." Missy said sadly. "who told you that?" "Everyone told those exact words"
Anita and you sit next to missy "I have trained all of the greatest super hero's,Miracle Guy, sharkboy, tech-no lava girl,Do you know who the greatest superhero of them all was?it was your mother" you and missy look at her confused "but out mother was normal, like me." "Exactly. And without your mother, your father never would have become someone who leads by example, and you both will to. I'm sure of it" Anita says while giving missy and you a side hug while missy tears up. "miss Moreno!" Wheels shouts a little. "what?" Anita says confused "better come quick!" "Oh my" "oh no" says missy in a worried tone.

~With you all~

You all hear helicopters. "they sure found you fast." Anita says. "they wanna take us back to headquarters." Says facemaker."well, to bad. We've got a world to save." Missy says. "hmm" Anita hums and then presses a button on her cane and the bushes show a secret entrance.
"go through this tunnel. I'll hold them off. Go, go, go, go, go!" "I wish you could come with us." You and missy say in unison . "hug me, as if it's for the last time." Anita says. "hey, it won't be. I promise." Missy says " that's my girl. Go, go, go ,go. Go!" You And missy slide down the slide and A Capella and facemaker catch you both. "guys? Come on!" Says missy. "it sure is dark in here." Says guppy. "ojo, can I use your flashlight for a minute?" Asked missy and ojo nods and hands her the iPad missy turns the flashlight on.
"y/n can you hold this for now?" Missy asked you. "yeah" you say. "we just have to stick... together." "Yeah and find a way to the mother ship, and defeat the aliens who defeated all the heroics.

~with Anita~

She hears a twig snap behind her "oh my." Anita chuckles nervously "visitors. Want some lemonade? No? Fine." The grab her with their tentacles

~back with you guy~

"What could we do differently from our parents?" Wheels asked. "everything. Like we lure the aliens out of cities, so that we don't destroy more buildings." " she's right. Our parents have huge brawls in the middle of the cities." Says rewind. "Don't we need superhero costumes?" Guppy asked. "All superhero's have costumes. Pads, fake muscles, tins of useless buckles." Says fast forward. "Underwear on the outside." A Capella say.
" mask you can barely see out of." Says rewind. "That's why they were able to pick out our parents so easily." Says fast forward. " because they were easy to spot. We have to blend in." Missy says. Y/n was going through the drawings when she seen some that caught your eye "be... stealth" y/n says and shows the drawing to missy while they whispered to each other. "How?" Asked wildcard.
"Just trust us. we have a plan." Says missy. "Where? What plan?" "Y/n show him please" you nod and show him. "the plan is we're gonna sneak on a bus?" Wildcard asked and you smacked your head with your hand and you whisper in his ear. "Oh. Holy... doo doo." He says when he realises guppy is there and guppy just roles her eyes. " I mean, yes, very interesting." You whisper in his ear again but you didn't see the jealous look on facemakers face. "Uh huh. Okay, makes sense. Yep. Okay. Wow. That's really smart." He snatches the iPad out of missy's hand. "Real mature" you mumble and roll your eyes.

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