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[alarm blaring] and the pyramid starts opening
"what's happening?" Missy asked
"Takeover, is happening." Ojo smiled and your parents walk out
"Say what?" You said confused
"Wait. So our parents were in The pyramid all along?" Missy asked "But I don't understand. What's the takeover?" Missy asked.
"The take over of power. From your parents" Granada says and you all look at each other "you see, the next generation is always an improvement from the last." Granada explains
"You see, things are not heading in the right direction on your planet. And you children are inheriting earths problems, and need to be able to fix them, sooner rather than later." Ojo explained
"It's in the best interest of the entire galaxy that life on earth survives and thrives. So, we infiltrated both your government and heroics headquarters so we can train you and accelerate the transfer of power." The president says
"As you've seen from today's events, it's not enough to be strong, powerful, or even magic. If you do not use your strengths together and with good judgment..." Marcus fake coughs and looks at miracle guy " are doomed" Ojo says 
"I don't understand. The clock hit zero. We were one second to late. The supreme commander knew down to the second exactly when the takeover would happen." The president says
"Your guess was close, wheels, but not quite right. Everything on the ship wasn't designed for children." Ojo says
"Oh, it was designed by children." Wheels says
"That's correct. On our planet children are in charge." Guard and the president and Granada bow down to Ojo
"So, you're their leader?" Missy asked
"Yes. Just as I knew you and y/n would be natural leaders. It's why I drew you both in the front of the class So, from one leader to another, as we head off to face the challenges of the universe, can we count on you two to not just save your planet... but the entire galaxy?" Ojo asked
"You have our word." Missy says
"When you need us we'll be there." You say
"Thank you." Ojo thanks the both of you
The both of you high five the other kids and walk over to your dad and grandma
"Hey, dad! Hey, grandma!" You and missy say in unison
"Two someone's made a few friends." Marcus says
"I tell you, Marcus, natural born leaders." Anita says
"I should get captured more often." Marcus says
"Nope. Not without us your not. If you ever go on any missions" missy says
"We're gonna be there right by your side." You finish
"Deal?" You and missy say in unison
"A deal is... a deal." Marcus says and shakes both your hands and hugs you both
Facemaker comes over to you guys and taps your shoulder
"Can I talk to you for a sec y/n?" He asked
"Yeah" you says and he takes you away from everyone els
"What's up?" You ask him
"Ok so umm, when you first walked in the class my eyes landed on you so what I wanted to ask is will you be my girlfriend? Only if you want to that is."
"You know when I first saw you I thought you were kinda cute if I'm not lying but yes I will be your girlfriend you say and peck his cheek as he stands there stunned and you giggle and go back to where your family was and missy smirks and nudges you as you blush

~a time skip~

You all pose you were right next to facemaker who gave you a peck on the cheek
"So what are we supposed to be looking at?" Facemaker asked.
"The future." You and Missy say together and you two look at each other and smile and give each other a thumbs up


A/n:wow umm that was fast I guess I finished it but now I gotta work on a rewindXReader book so stay tuned for that but I might make a sequel to my other we can be heroes books to maybe should I?

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