(TW) He finds out you haven't been eating

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(TW: this will relate to eating disorders so if this seems at all triggering to you, please skip onto another part. Please know that you are so loved and so beautiful just as you are!!!)

Micky: He starts to get suspicious when you stop wanting to go get lunch with him. He prayed and wished on every star that you were ok until he finally had enough waiting around. He barged into your room and quietly asked if you had been skipping meals. You knew you couldn't lie to him so you just slowly nodded your head. That's when his heart broke. He instantly began crying and tugging at his hair. It seemed as though he was more broken than you were. You went over and held him in your arms as he sobbed, his body shaking. You backed up to your bed and he laid his head in your lap, his tears never ceasing. You slowly stroked his hair to try to get him to calm down. When he finally had enough breath to speak, he sat up and gently took your face in his hands, wiping away the tears that had fallen from your own eyes. "You are the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on and you are so much more than any number could ever tell you. I love you more than you could ever know. Please always remember that." He placed a light kiss on your forehead and pulled you into his chest. He held you like you were made of glass and you could break at any given moment. He constantly supported you through your recovery and was with you through every step of the way, highs and lows

Mike: He instantly blames himself when he sees you crying over a bowl of soup. He hides himself away in his room and just battles with his own thoughts. You walk in to find him laying on his bed, his back to the door. You definitely knew something was up because he nevers lays down until you're both ready for bed. You go over to him and start rubbing his back to get him to open up. "How long has it been since you've eaten?" he asked, his voice barely being able to rise above a whisper. You moved your hand away from him and that was all the answer he needed. He sat up and looked you straight in the eye. He keeps asking if he was the reason why and after you turn his theory down, all he feels strong enough to do was hold you. You didn't talk at all. He just held you through the whole night, letting you cry into his chest until you faded off to sleep. He never addressed the subject again because he knew it was a sensitive topic for you but that didn't stop the pride from swelling in his heart when you started to slowly eat again

Peter: You actually told him because you began to get really cranky and would lash out at him very easily and his feelings were so hurt. You felt so bad so you sat him down on the bed and told him what was going on. He just sat there, shocked and staring off into space. He had never felt so powerless. He couldn't even bring himself to breathe. You took his hand and bring some comfort to the both of you. This seemed to snap him back to reality. He placed a delicate kiss on your hand and pulled you so you were standing in between his legs with his arms wrapped around you. He starts to whisper-sing to you and you feel your heart flutters inside your chest. When he was done, he looked up at you. "If I help you, do you think you could start eating again?" he asked so innocently. Of course you said yes because how could you ever say no to your precious Peter? 

Davey: He didn't find out until you ended up passing out at one of his gigs. He stopped the whole show and took you to the doctor where he learned that your blood sugar was extremely low and you hadn't been eating anything. He seemed mad but he was really just frustrated. "How could you not tell me?" You guys actually ended up fighting in the exam room and then being silent the entire ride home. You tried to escape into your room when you got home he grabbed your wrist before you could get away. "(y/n), you are so gorgeous by just being you. I don't know why you aren't able to see it but I do and I fell in love with the way you play with your hair when you get nervous and how you always cross your eyes when you don't know what to say and how you always make that cute little noise when you mess up a note on the guitar. You do not need to meet anyone else's expectations because those jerks will never see how amazing you are and how much you mean to the world." Once he finished his speech, you were sobbing uncontrollably. Through your recovery, he would sit with you while you ate and reminded you how strong you are

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