Bad day, sweetheart?

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                            This one was requested by @Rqckin80s ! Hope you guys enjoy!!!

Today had been one of the worst days I think I have ever had. Nothing seemed to go right, not to mention I was exhausted. All I wanted to do was go home and relax which is what I did for a good five minutes before a loud voice brought back my pounding headache.

"I'M HOOOOOOOOOMMMMMEEEEEE!!!!" Mike, bless his heart. My sweet husband came bursting through the front door with his signature goofy smile on his face. Usually I would have been so happy to hear his voice but right now, I just wanted some peace and quiet.

I stayed seated on the couch, massaging my temples as Mike came into the living room.

"How's my cutie pie?" he said, kissing me on my cheek. I could only sigh in response which didn't go unnoticed.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he put his coat and guitar case down and came around the couch to kneel down in front of me. After not getting anything out of me, he began tickling my knees. He was trying to get a smile out of me but I wasn't budging. He slowly picked up my hands and slowly but sweetly kissed my knuckles. Goodness, he makes me melt! I finally looked at his beautiful brown eyes. 

"Bad day, sweetheart?" I couldn't even bring myself to speak so I just nodded.

I saw Mike's eyes light up after a moment. He had an idea!   "Stay right here."

After a few minutes, Mike came running back down the stairs and without warning, carefully picked me up and carried me upstairs to the bathroom. He put me down and I looked around. The lights were dim and candles were scattered around the steaming bathtub. It smelled like vanilla and lavender. 

"You did all this for me?" I asked, shocked.

"Anything for my girl." he smiled sweetly at me. How did I get so lucky? 

"Ok, now you relax and stay in here as long you want. I'm gonna make you some tea."

"Mike, you don't have to-"

"No arguing!" he closed the door and left me there, just smiling like an idiot. I got into the bathtub and sat there for probably half and hour. The hot water soothed my sour muscles and took some of the pressure from my headache. The water soon started to get a little chilly so I drain the water and went to get ready. Mike had set out a towel (that he had warmed up for me) so I picked it up and started drying off. I looked around and realized that I had forgotten any clothes to bring with me. I groaned, throwing my head back. This meant I would have to walk out in just a towel to go get clothes. Even though I dreaded it, I slowly stepped out of the bathroom and walked down the hall to me and Mike's shared bedroom. I opened the door, hoping that it would be empty but of course, Mike was there folding some clothes up. He looked up at me quickly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, darlin'." he said, hastily as he picked up the clothes he had folded and began walking quickly to me. "I wanted everything to be ready for when you came out. I warmed up your pajamas for you a-and I figured you didn't have dinner so I had Micky bring us something."

I stood there, awestruck. This man was doing everything he could to make me feel better. Mike Nesmith, the amazingly-talented singer-songwriter was bending over backwards just so I would be comfortable. I took the clothes from his hands and flashed that cheeky grin at me before rushing back downstairs. I got dressed, feeling so warm and cozy and began drinking the tea that Mike had made for me. I felt myself soon beginning to feel drowsy so I laid down on the bed and began to drift into sleep. I heard the door open and soft footsteps entering the room. I heard Mike set a plate down on the nightstand and some shuffling (which I'm guessing was Mike changing into his PJs). He laid down next to me on the bed and I felt a light kiss on my temple before he turned to lay on his back. He was trying to give me my space but that really wasn't what I needed. I quickly turned around, gently grabbed his face, and slowly kissed him. Every kiss with him was like magic. Ever since the first day I met him, I knew he was the one and today was just another piece of evidence. I pulled away and looked at his flushed face. 

"Thank you for today." I said, snuggling into his chest.

He put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. "If this is my reward, I should do this more often." 

We both chuckled and fell asleep, feeling safe in each other's arms. Seriously, how did I get so lucky?

Author's Note: How was that? 

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2022 ⏰

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