Pregnancy Cravings

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I stood at the counter in the kitchen, drying off the dishes I had just washed. Since we found out I was pregnant, Micky has barely let me do anything. Even seven months in, I only became more fragile to him. So when I would have cravings, it was honestly a blessing. I could send him out and I could get stuff done without him constantly breathing down my neck. I could do laundry, make the bed, dust to some extent. My skills were limited at the present moment but I was doing what I could. I heard the front door open and I smiled to myself as I heard his light footsteps enter the kitchen. I turned around to see Micky standing there with his brown curls hanging sloppily over his head. I certainly put him through the ringer this time.

"You were out for a long time." I said, smirking to myself.

"Well, I had to go all over town." He walked over to me. "This stuff is surprisingly harder to find than you would think." He placed a sweet kiss on my cheek before going to put his jacket down.

"Did you get everything?" I asked, turning back to the dishes. While I did love getting stuff done while Micky was gone, I really was hungry.

"Yes, love. I got the pistachio ice cream, the chips, and the peanut butter." he said as he placed the bag on the counter next to me. I turned toward him to speak but he was kneeled down on the floor, facing my rounded belly.

"You better be worth it, kid. I'm going broke and hungry." He said, kissing my belly quickly and then standing.

"Don't worry, he will be."

"How do you know it's a he?"

"A mother always knows."

 He chuckled lightly before speaking again. "Is there anything else you need me to do?"

"Mix the peanut butter with the ice cream and then crush some chips up and put them in there." I said nonchalantly.

Micky looked at me with a confused expression across his face. I looked at him and nodded, signalling that I meant it. He shook his head slightly and did as he was told. He struggled to mix the scooped peanut butter into the ice cream and visibly cringed as he slammed his fist against a handful of chips and sprinkled them into the cup. He handed me the cup and I quickly began to shovel sit down by the spoonful. Micky ran a hand across his face and stumbled back dramatically. I continued to eat my ice cream as I watched his little meltdown.

"You know, you would like it if you tried it." 

His head lifted from the floor. "You wouldn't even want it if you weren't pregnant."

"Lies! I would love this even if my hormones weren't all over the place."

He got up and began to argue yet again but as soon as he began to speak, I shoved the spoon into his mouth. He looked puzzled and deep in thought at first before his eyes lit up. He did a quick spin as if he had been struck by this sudden volt of electricity.

"Ok, that's really good!" He reached to get another bite but I quickly pulled away. He gave me an offended look.

"When you carry the baby inside of you, you can have more." I said taking another bite and turning to continue the dishes. He caught me by the arm before I could get away.

"Ah ah ah," he said, shaking his head. "You need to rest. Now, go sit down on the couch and get comfortable." 

Curse my swollen feet and extra weight. That kid was sure gonna be a biggin'

I reluctantly waddled over to the couch and sat down, placing the cup on the coffee table before my backside hit the cushions. That was a very big mistake. I attempted to lean forward and grab it but the massive bubble that was my stomach was getting in the way. After a few more failed attempts, I huffed and slumped back against the couch. I was left no choice.


"Yes, my dear?" he said, popping his head out from around the wall with an innocent smile.

I huffed before continuing. "Can you please hand me my ice cream?"

"Of course, m'lady." He bowed dramatically and walked over to the couch.

He sat down next to me and grabbed the cup. I tried reaching for it but he pulled away. He wagged his finger in front of my face while he smirked. I sat confused as he scooped the ice cream and pointed the spoon at me.

"Micky, no. You have already babied me enough. I am not going to let you feed me."

He pulled the spoon back and mixed it in the cup. "Well, I guess that means you don't want anymore. I'll go put it up."

I caught him by the sleeve before he could get too far. "Fine but just so you know, this goes against everything I stand for and-"

Before I could get another word out, Micky swiped the spoon across my lips. 

"I love you to the moon and back." he said before kissing me quickly and running off with the ice cream. 

Luckily, I was able to pull myself up and chase him at a rather quick pace for my condition. As we rounded back to the couch, I managed to push him down so he was laying on his stomach and then I did the unthinkable. I sat on his back. I took the cup back and ate it triumphantly as Micky groaned in pain beneath me. What was even better was that I couldn't get up (LOL!). Micky got a hold of the phone and called Mike and Peter to come and help him. It took them ten minutes and Micky was able to walk away before his lungs completely collapsed but I was the real victor. I finished the ice cream before Micky could snag anymore.

Author's note: That was much longer than I intended but I am very proud of it. I am soft for Micky in this, he's such a sweetheart!

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