When they get jealous

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Micky: He pulls the Babyface impression out of his back pocket. He tries to be really intimidating and cool. He'll even do the silly walk just to show the guy flirting with you who's boss. If he's really worked up about it, he'll do his James Cagney impression. You let out a few chuckles but the guy ultimately backs off, most likely out of confusion

Peter: He gets a little flustered when someone's getting a bit too close to you. He'll huff and puff his chest out to seem bigger than he is. The other guy will try to pick a fight with him and because he's Peter, he'll get scared but won't back down. You're the one who actually breaks  it up and informs the guy that you're taken. When the guy leaves, you turn back to Peter and give him a little kiss, leaving him a blushing and grinning mess

Mike: Guys will be flirty with you when he's on stage performing. He trusts you and knows you're tough so he won't intervene immediately. When he notices you looking a bit uncomfortable, he'll round out the song he's doing and get the crowd's attention. "Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to dedicate this next song to the most beautiful and amazing person I have ever had the pleasure of meeting, my wonderful girlfriend (y/n)." He points to you and a spotlight shines down on you, making the guy back away. "This one's for you, babe" he says with a wink

Davey: He's very head-on with this kind of stuff. If some creep tries to get his hands on you, he'll come up to you, wrap his arm around your waist, and plant a big ole kiss on your cheek. He won't even pay attention to the guy in front of him. His eyes are on you and only you. He'll ask you how you're doing and what you thought of his performance on stage. The amount of times he calls you "darling" is overwhelming. Soon enough, the other guy will get the hint on move on to someone else. 

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