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Marcus sighs and says "Sweety as you know another gang has put a hit on you." He wavers before continuing "I need too protect you so I have decided you need to stay here."

My eyes widen I look at Marcus and Exclaim "No I can't stay here! I have a life back in Wisconsin. Friends, My mom, school!"

"I'm sorry Ava. I can't let you leave."

I stand up in frustration and Exclaim "You can't decide that for me. I've only known you and your world for 2 seconds! I understand that I could die but I WILL NOT stay here!"

I look over too Phoebe and she's just sitting there. I look over at Miles and he has his head down.

"I'm sorry Ava but you have no decision in this matter!" Marcus Gestures too my bodyguard to grab me.

The bodyguard walks towards me. I look too Phoebe and grab her. I hold her in a chokehold and take her gun that's in her pocket.

I whisper in Phoebe ear "I won't hurt you. Please don't fight back"

I put the gun too her head and yell"Marcus let me go or I'll blow her brains out!"

Miles chuckles and says "You don't have the balls too do shit!" Marcus turn his head too Miles causing Miles too put his head down.

"You think I won't do it? Watch me!" I yell.
I shoot the gun at the ceiling. Everyone moves too grab their guns. Suddenly some men come inside the office holding guns.

"Ava Don't do this! Just do this my way and you can be happy here!" Marcus yells

What do I do? I think

Everyone looks towards me seeing what I will do.

I drop the gun and release Phoebe.

"I'm sorry Phoebe!" I whisper

Phoebe hugs me and says "It's fine! I knew you weren't going too do anything!"

Marcus comes up too hug me but I push him away

"I need time to think! I'm going for a walk!" I exclaim. I make my way too the door and leave the office. I make it down the hallway when I hear footsteps. I look back and see my bodyguard.

How great I thought

"Do you really have to Follow me now" I whisper

"I'm sorry Ma'am but this is my job."

I roll my eyes and head too my room. I open the door and go inside when my bodyguard comes inside as well.

I burrow my eyebrows and yell "Why do you have too follow me why can't you stay outside?"

"I'm sorry Ms. Ava I have specific Orders that I have too follow." He remarks

I sigh and say "Sorry for yelling. I know your just doing your job"

I sit on my bed and look at my bodyguard. I never realized how handsome he is. His hair is Platinum blonde and he is wearing a black suit. His eyes are blue while he also has a slit in his eyebrows.

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