"Something You want"

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I grab Chloe by her hand and walk out of the room. We walk silently to my bedroom. After we close the door we look at each other. We both burst into laughter.

"Omg nice job that bitch deserved it." Chloe exclaims.

"I know everyone looked so shocked!" I snort

"You need to teach me how to handle a gun because you looked so scary." Chloe says

"I definitely will. You should come to my boxing class later."

Drew told everyone about how good of a boxer I am so I've been teaching classes.

"I don't think I can I'm working basically."

"Well I say you don't need to work!" I exclaim

"It would be fun to come see!"

"Ok I've decided to go. I will just make sure I have a workout outfit ready."

"Ok I need to go meet with my dad but let's talk later." I give Chloe a hug and leave. As soon as I close my door I turn around to see Drew standing against the opposite wall.

"Hey Drew what's up" I smile. Drew pushes off the wall smirking and embraces me in a kiss. After a few moments I pull away.

"What was that for?" I question feeling out of breath

"You are amazing, selfless, and I can't believe that I'm this lucky to have such an amazing girlfriend like you" Drew smiles widely

I blush and whisper "Thank you"

Drew puts his head closer to my ear and whispers "Seeing you blush like that makes me want to take you. Right here. Right now"

I softly gasp and turn my head. Drew smirks and grabs my hand. He caresses my knuckles before bringing my hand up to his mouth. He kisses it slightly.

I intertwine my hand in his and say "Let's go to the meeting."

Drew nods and we walk hand in hand to the meeting. As we reach my dads office door He takes his hand out of mine. I roll my eyes and open the door entering the office with everyone sitting at the big table.

"Hey Ava" Marcus says

"Hey Dad" I walk up to him and give him a hug.

"You can just take a seat and then we can get started" he says

I nod and sit in between Phoebe and Miles. Marcus sits down in his seat at the head of the table. Drew stands behind me. His hand resting on my chair.

"Ok As you all know our rivals the Skulls have placed a bounty on Ava. Over these past 3 weeks of her staying here they have tried twice to take her. We need ideas about how we can stop them. So I'm all ears" Marcus says sighing

"We can flush them out. We take Ava somewhere public make sure that she is noticeable and see who grabs the bait" Miles says

I jab him in the arm. He winces

"I won't be bait. If they want me they can come and get me but up until then I don't want to create situations where I put myself or any of you into immediate Danger." I say looking at Marcus

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