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Authors Notes
I'm new to writing and this is my First book So yay I'm really happy about this.I also can not wait to get to learn more about writing.Sorry for any misspellings!!!
Also the song Playing Is Friends by Chase Atlantic I LOVE this song and it's just a really good song to vibe with!
I hear this noise. This loud Noise in my ear that's saying something but what?

"Wake up honey it's time to get ready for school" My mom yelled repeatedly in my ear.

"I'm up I'm up" I groaned

My mom whipped the white sheets from off my body

"Seriously Ava you need to get up. It's already 7:30 your gonna be late for school"

"Ughh fine." I say getting up and heading towards the bathroom not fully awake. I brush my teeth, get dressed, and keep reminding myself that this year will be different no matter what. I head downstairs and greet my mom
Ava Senior year wasn't like any other she had made plans to make this year one she wouldn't forget.

"Good morning Mom"- I said
"Ava I keep telling you this over and over again. If your wearing blue wear it with white not black"- Mom said Sighing

"It's fine Mom I can go change"

"It's fine sweety You are already late for school. You don't want to be any more late"

"Ok Bye mom" I Muttered while hugging My mom goodbye

Sometimes my mom can be a pain in the ass but I love her even if she's annoying.
I make my way outside of my perfectly light blue house in my gated community neighborhood In the state of cheese Wisconsin while My best friend Miles is waiting outside in his Green Jeep that has the words "Fuck You" Spray painted on the side of it.

I've been friends with Miles since we were in diapers. He has always been that kid who always finds a way to get in trouble.

Miles noticed me on my porch and yells "GET IN LOSER WE'RE GOING SHOPPING".

I run towards him laughing and I say " Shut up the neighbors will hear you and Mean girls? Really?"

"Hey it's not my fault. Your the one who forced me to watch mean girls with you" He says Smiling

"Yeah Yeah whatever Hurry up and drive before I become Even more late" I say Smirking

Present Time
I snap out of my thoughts when My investigator aka Dan aka (the person who's helping me find my dad) walks into the Cafe we agreed to meet at because he said he had a major breakthrough.

"Hey Ava" Dan says

"Hey Dan What's New" I say waving

"Nothing much But I've found something that will rock your world"

"Really what is it?"

"I've found the location of your father."

"Omg Omg really???" I say shocked

"Yes, I have. Your father is Marcus Nystrom. And I do know everything about him but I don't know if your ready to hear this" Dan says Rubbing the back of his neck

" What is it. Is he a serial killer or is he in jail?" I say wondering if maybe I should have never gone looking for my father

"No he isn't a serial killer but What I found out was that he is the Leader of The gang, the scorpions."

"Wait, wait what? The Scorpions? I've heard HORRIBLE things about them. How could my father be the leader." I stammered

"I don't know Kid. I have everything on him if you want it?" He offered

Should I do this I thought I've always wanted to know who my father was So I need to take a chance. "Yes Of course I want it" I hesitated

"Ok here's everything" He says while putting every document he had on the table. When he finished he received a text.

"Oh I-I gotta go Bye and Good luck" He Gulped and Left in a blink of an eye. As I finished packing everything Dan gave me I Got a Text from My friend Amy Saying "Come over". I said Sure and headed out to my car not knowing what was going on in the Alleyway behind the Cafe

"You gave her everything" The hooded figure said

"Y-yes Sir I did" Dan said

" Good and she Knows where she can find Me" The Figure Questioned

"Yes Sir I gave her everything Now May I have the reward"

"Yes You can" The figure stated before nodding at his Two bodyguards that just appeared out of the dark and they both grabbed Dan, Stabbed Him and put him in the back of there car. The figure Went inside his Car and told his Right hand that everything was fine now "That's good sir. So what's your daughters Name?" The Man questioned

"Ava, Ava Louis" The Man Started The Car and drove.

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