Chapter 1

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 Izuku wasn't always a lonely kid, between the ages of 1-4 he had plenty of friends. Namely his bestest friend Katsuki Bakugou or Kacchan. Kacchan was super cool in Izuku's opinion, maybe even cooler than All Might! He and Kacchan were gonna be the coolest hero duo the world had ever seen! Or, so they thought. Right before Izuku turned 5 he was diagnosed quirkless, effectively ostracizing him from society. His dad, the all-powerful and kind Papa had turned cold and cruel. He often hit Izuku, burning him with his quirk or pushing him downstairs. He'd force him to stay home say things like "They don't useless things like up wasting space" or "You might infect the other student with your disease". Papa wasn't nice anymore, in fact, no one was nice to Izuku anymore except for his mama. His teacher stopped liking him, trying to make him fail all the time. His classmates bullied him, pushing him around and beating him up all the time. Though Kacchan wasn't mean to him (only ever calling him Deku once and then apologizing) they couldn't stay friends. His papa stopped letting Kacchan come over, and the kids at school would push him away.

When Izuku had turned 6 his mother had adopted a small girl by the name of Robin. At first, the Neko girl didn't speak, scaring away whenever Izuku tried to talk to her, but after a while, she opened up to him and they started to hang out way more. Sadly, Robin was not spared from his father's rage, constantly hitting her and yelling at her because of her constant nightmares. You see, when Robin was little she was experimented on giving her cat-like qualities and features even though she already had a quirk. Izuku called her quirk infrared vision because she could read heat signatures and look through walls, Izuku thought she was really cool but the other kids in school didn't really think so. They'd push her around due to her bedding adopted and the scars he had on her arms, she didn't seem to mind though "I don't need none of them!" she proclaimed as they swung on the swingset during lunch. "As long as I gots Zu, I don't need nobody else!" Even though she said she didn't need any friends that didn't stop her from engaging in playful banter between herself and Kacchan, constantly challenging him to arm wrestling or boasting about her superior grade in History.

Though the teasing was not one-sided, Kacchan would constantly challenge her to races and boast about his own superior grades in Math. Though both would be shut down when Izuku spoke about his superior grades in general. However a few months after Izuku turned 7, his father left and never looked back. "Good riddance" Robin had grumbled when Mama Inko had broken the news to them, Izuku silently agreed thankful that he wouldn't hurt them anymore. That year had been the best year of their lives, they no longer had to worry about getting hit anymore and even though money was tight, none was spent on his booze or gambling. Though all good things must come to an end, when Robin had finally turned 8 right after Izuku, their mother had died. Their apartment complex had been split in half because of a combo attack from Endeavor and All might, their mother fell to her death being crushed by debris. Both kids suffered minor injures but now sported severe trauma from watching their mother plummet to her death.

They were placed into the care of the Mustapha children's orphanage two days after their mother's death, they packed what few things they could salvage from the building and moved in. Their time there was horrendous, no one liked them not even the caretakers if you could even call them that. They weren't given food or beds, they were thrown out repeatedly especially if people came looking to adopt, and worse they didn't allow them to sleep in the same room. Both had become so accustomed to sleeping together that they didn't know how to fall asleep alone which caused many sleepless nights. However, in those sleepless nights they trained, they would sneak out into the old abandoned gym a few streets down and learn how to fight. Though neither planed on becoming heroes, that dream crushed by the people around them, they would learn how to defend themselves against bad people. Which they ended up needing in the end, exactly a year later one of the caregivers attempted to strangle Izuku claiming he was the reason no one was adopting the children from the orphanage.

It was the push they needed and the two ran away, at the young ages of 9 and 8 years old the two became homeless. They continued to go to school, continuously bullied by their peers but no one knew they were homeless and no one came looking for them. It had been almost 3 years since they'd run from the orphanage and they continued to train themselves, Robin had become quite skilled in Pit pocketing and Izuku had become amazing at analysis finding out the weaknesses of heroes and villains alike. At some point, Izuku had ventured out and had almost died due to a villain attack, though he was saved by All might. Though Izuku didn't exactly like All might, he still thought he was a cool hero. "Ah I thought we lost you there!" he yelled causing Izuku to inwardly flinch, "A-All Might?! My-y Notebook!" Izuku scrambled forward attempting to grab the book. "Not to worry my boy! I've already signed it! Now I must go!" he yelled getting ready to jump off, "W-wait you-" Izuku had latched onto the pro hero due to the fact that he hadn't given him his notebook back.

He truly needed that book, it held the only pictures he had of his mother and sister. All Might, once he noticed Izuku holding onto his leg for dear life, landed on a skyscraper. "Why'd you do that my boy?!" All might yelled, "You didn't give me my notebook" Izuku stated pointing at the book in the pro's hand. "Oh! My apologies!" he handed Izuku the notebook back but before he could leave Izuku asked him a question. "Hey, do you think a quirkless person could be a hero?" he knew he should be wasting the pro's time with his silly questions but he needed to know, "No, if you don't have a quirk you can't be a hero. Try being a police officer or a doctor, goodbye!" he yelled jumping off. Izuku stood frozen in place, sure he'd been told by several other people that he couldn't be a hero but they themselves were heroes, they were just people with opinions. Now he knew,

"I really can't be a hero".

He slowly walked down the stairs of the skyscraper and ran off to the gym where his sister was, he pushed open the door and ran looking for his sister. When he found her he threw himself into her arms tears pouring down his cheeks, "Z-zu? What happened?" she questioned pulling her crying brother closer. Once he finally calmed down he explained what happened, "Let's kill him" Robin stated grabbing a random broken pipe off the floor. Izuku chuckled before pushing the lead pipe down, "It's fine Robin, why down we go out for a "Walk" Robin nodded and the two changed out of their school uniforms and into the "vigilante outfits" and set off for the night. Yout see a few months ago the two had stopped a kidnapping, and then a robbery, and then a rapist, and slowly started stopping more and more petty villains and thieves. Though they were both only 11 (Izuku turning 12 in a month) they didn't really mind, in fact, they found the work to be quite calming. They'd become quite good at evading the police and a few pros and a few of the people they saved gave them money, which they split in between food and weapons (though mostly food, they usually stole the weapons from villains).

It had been a quiet night for the two, only stopping two minor robberies. That was until they stumbled upon a villain meeting up, the four villains that they could see were currently attempting to take down the pro hero Erasure head. From what they could see another pro was unconscious behind him, the two debated for a while worrying that the pro would turn them in before deciding to jump in. Robin went in first, turning into a cat, and sauntered over to the fight drawing all the attention toward her by jumping on the villain's heads and landing on a trash bin nearby. She gave them a feral grin before turning into a human and jumping forward surprising not only the villains but Erasurehead as well. Then, while they were distracted, Izuku jumped down knocking out one of the villains while a kick to the back of the head. "Jesus man you smell like shit, ever heard of a shower?" Izuku grinned when the villain turned his attention to him.

"Hello, ~~ I asked you a question my man, are you deaf?" Izuku questioned hopping up and planting his feet onto the man's shoulder causing him to fall to the ground. "Naw you're just dumb aren't cha!" he giggled as the man attempted to break free only for Izuku to knock him out with one punch to the jaw. He then turned to see Erasurehead restraining the final villain and Robin dragging the third unconscious man over, "Welp that was nice, does she need any bandages?" Robin questioned looking at the unconscious hero. "She'll be fine, who are you two?" Eraserhead questioned, "Oh I'm Kit, and that's Ghost" Robin/ Kit explained pointing to herself than her brother. "Well nice meeting you but we should go" before Erasuehead could say anything the two kids were gone just as the police appeared. Eraserhead watched the run as Tsukashi appeared, "Hey Aizawa, what's up?" he questioned. Aizawa huffed and turned to the man, "We've got two new vigilantes in town" he huffed.

(Welcome to Izuku and Robins Vigalante years! I'd suggest reading my other story "Trust me, or don't" but you don't have to if you don't want to! There's no need to read either book in a certain order. I do hope you enjoy it and I will be updating this every Tuesday, thanks for reading bye!)

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