Chapter 4

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 Christmas was slowly creeping up on the two teens again, and with Christmas came the end of the second semester. They were on their normal patrol on December 24 around 11:48, they had just stopped a mugging when they surprisingly ran into Eraserhead. "Hey, Erasuredad! I thought you took the day off?" Ghost questioned looking slightly confused, "I did, however, I have something to give you" he explained


"You really didn't need to get us anything" Kit stated crossing her arms,


"Oh but I did" Aizawa grinned as he pulled out two neatly wrapped gifts in red and green, handing them to the two teens.


Both teens stared at the boxes before tearing them open,


Dear Kit and Ghost;

Merry Christmas! I do truly hope you like your presents, Shouta picked them out (with my help of course). Please use these to stay safe from the cold this winter, I heard you both caught quite the cold last year. The offer to stay with us is always open! Don't you go thinking I don't agree with my husband (Honestly he asks me every day if it's still ok that he asks). Even though you won't be staying with us this Christmas me and my son would like to wish you the merriest of Christmases

With love Mr. Erasureheads Husband and son <3

They stared at the note for a little while longer before pulling out two scarfs, one blue and one green. Aizawa stood silently watching the two kids before both ran forward and hugged him tight, "T-thank you so much" Ghost whispered a few tears trailing down his face. Aizawa smiled and wrapped his arms around the two vigilantes, after a few minutes the two pulled away thanking Aizawa for the gift before biding him goodbye and making their way back to the old apartment complex. The old building was supposed to be demolished months ago but thanks to bad weather it was postponed, crawling into bed the curled up with their new scarfs and fell asleep. Aizawa watched the two jump-off with a smile before turning and making his way back home, he pushed open the door to his apartment to find his husband and son asleep on the couch listening to light Christmas music. His smile widened as he wrapped them both in a blanket, before he could walk away he felt a hand wrap around his wrist. He turned to see Hizashi staring up at him with his famous puppy eyes, Aizawa rolled his eyes and moved to lay behind his husband and son before falling asleep happily.

Even Though Christmas was usually Izuku and Robins's "time off" the cold always seemed to spoil it. The wind howled, whipping through the rundown apartment complex cooling the two teens inside to their cores. Robin groaned as she curled into the thin blanket as another gust of wind flew through the room, "Why is it so fucking cold" she grumbled curling into her brother's chest. "Fuck if I know" Izuku muttered pulling his sister even closer, "Maybe we could go out for a run" he suggested. "Like hell, I'm going out in this weather" Robin shot down the idea immediately, "Plus we start school tomorrow, can't exactly be sick" Izuku groaned when he realized they did in fact have school the next day. "Look at it this way Zu, we're starting our third semester which means you can apply to UA" Robin explained, "Yeah, yeah. I still don't understand why you're not applying to UA" Robin rolled her eyes and looked up at her brother with an eyebrow raised. "You know that Erasuredad is a teacher there and I can't exactly hide the whole ears and tail situation" Izuku nodded slightly, "What if-what if we told him who we are, maybe he could".

"Zu, you know he can't know. We don't even know if he could adopt us anyway, we might just end up in that orphanage again or worse Foster care" Robin explained. "Yeah I know I just...I just want a family Robin, I want a bed and food ya know?" he sighed carding his fingers through his sister's hair, "I know Zu, I know. But think of it this way, when you graduate we'll have money and then we can buy a house" Robin smiled kissing her brother's forehead. "Now go to sleep, we've gotta get up early tomorrow" Robin commanded, Izuku smiled and he and his sister slipped into a light sleep.

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