Chapter 2

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 They continued to run into Eraserhead no matter how hard they tried to avoid him. He was at every drug bust, and hostage situation, or villain turf war. He. Was. At. Everything. At first, he kept trying to take them in but seemed to give up after a while, he even started offering them food or water (was it an attempt to see their faces? Yes, yes it was. But they didn't need to know that). They'd been "working with Erasurehead, now christened Erasuredad, for about 6 months. They'd discover they made a pretty good team, it was very rare that the villains they went up against got the upper hand, and even when they did they still lost. However, it was winter again, and two homeless teens with nothing but their school uniforms and the clothes on their backs didn't stand much of a chance. Thankfully as it got colder villains only attacked in broad daylight thus leaving Izuku and Robin to their own devices after school.

They looked around for dumpsters to sleep under only to find them too low to the ground or all ready occupied, it was times like this where they wised they could take Dadzawa up on his offer of moving in. They never would though, not wanting to put him out or annoy him too much. He spoke about his husband and adoptive son who he had adopted at nine. Sometimes they wondered what would have happened if Erasurehead had adopted them when they were younger, maybe they wouldn't have become vigilantes and maybe they'd still strive to be heroes.

That night on patrol was yet another cold boring night, or so they thought. They'd just finished monitoring the easter part of town and were moving westward when they saw it, several villains moving what looked like drugs into a large van. One villain had the features of what seemed to be a spider, the top half of his body looked human and the lower half looked like a spider. He was barking orders to the other villains surrounding him they all seemed quite squeamish around the man and to be honest Robin didn't like him much either. Eraserhead immediately called for backup as Kit hoped down like a cat drawing all the attention to herself by wouling loudly and scratching at their ankles. She gave the villains a feral grin before leaping forward turning into a human and slashing at the nearest villain. As soon as she went into action, Erasurehead and Izuku followed throwing knives and punches as they went.

Everything seems to be going well, they'd taken down just about every villain until a shrill scream was heard from the entrance to the alleyway. Both turned to see Kit, eyes wide and filled with tears, in the arms of the Spider-man with his teeth in her neck. The moment Izuku saw the blood trailing down his sister's neck he sprung forward knife in hand and flipped over the man stabbing him in the back. The man cried out in pain throwing Kit away into Eraserheads arms and falling to the ground, unconscious. Robin grasped onto Aizawas uniform tightly was pain ran through her system, evet nerve was on fire and she felt like she was burning from the inside out. "I don't know if he was venomous" Izuku worries couching down to his sister, "I-it hu-trs, It hur-ts so-o b-bad" she whimpered as tears trailed down her face wetting her mask and the front of Eraserheads uniform. "It's ok kiddo, I'll call Recovery girl and it'll all be ok" Aizawa whispered handing his phone to Izuku, the boy nodded and texted the old hero and Aizawa comforted his injured sister.

The skin around the bite was red and slightly green and the bite itself was bleeding profusely. Robin couldn't seem to focus on any one thing, her eyes shifting to different objects around her. Izuku stared at his sister with worry, she'd just turned 12 only a month ago she didn't need to die. Her skin was far too warm but neither Aizawa nor Izuku wanted to remove her shirt to make her more comfortable, she may be warmer than a furnace but it was a cold night, and leaving her in a black ripped up tank top didn't seem like the best idea. They sat in silence waiting for Recovery girl, Kit reached out and grabbed her bothers to hand her eyes finally focusing on him. "Mmh-sorrye-" she slurred her voice thick, "Hey you're gonna be just fine R-kit" Izuku assured almost saying her civilian name. "I don wanna-die" she whimpered as more tears poured out of her eye, "Hey, you're not gonna die kiddo. Recovery girl is on her way, you'll be just fine" Aizawa started brushing her hair out of her face.

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