Chapter 3

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 Aizawa watched his two kids (not officially...yet) fight against a large villain who seemed to be made out of mud, he grinned when Ghost threw one of his knives into the guy's legs causing him to collapse and deactivate his quirk. "Gee, thanks for the help Erasure Dad" Ghost groaned sarcastically and he shook the mud out of his hair, "You were doing just fine Ghost" He quipped handing Kit a bottle of water to splash in her hair. "Anything interesting today?" he questioned as they began their normal patrol around the neighborhood, "Nope just muddy back there, it's been pretty chill" Kit stated jumping over a fallen trash bin. They had effectively banned the Q-word after saying it once and they had to deal with back-to-back villains for 4 hours and a few months ago. Shouta chuckled as Kit hopped onto his back cracking jokes with Ghost, "Anything new with that kid of yours?" Ghost questioned his eyes filled with curiosity. "Not much, got out of school last week and he's turning 13 in a few months" he stated, "Thought he did bring home a stray cat yesterday, named the poor thing Peanut to match out other cat Jelly". "This statement caused both kids to laugh loudly scaring a few alley-cats out of their hiding places, they spent the rest of the night joking about and helping out with a minor hostage situation before deciding to head home.

"My offer's still open you know" Aizawa called out to the two vigilantes, "thank you Erasuredad, but we're just fine" Ghost yelled before they disappeared. The two vigilantes landed near an old apartment complex currently under foreclosure and scheduled to be torn down in two months, said apartment complex was where they were currently living. Thankfully there were still a few torn-up beds in the upper floors that they managed to push together to make a sort-of bed. Even though their living conditions weren't ideal they were at the very least off the streets and out of the cold, mostly. They spent most of their holiday out on patrol or at the old junkyard beach scavenging for more weapons, they ended up finding a few knives, some old police kevlar vest, and some police radios. By the end of the holiday, they'd managed to get 200 yen from looking through people's trash. Sadly spring break came to an end and school restated, Izuku and Robin would be attending their final year of junior high, and by the gods were they excited.

Sure they were still bullied and threatened, but nothing could ruin the good moods they had. There weren't any major incidents in school until they were a full month in, Yumiko had yet again become the class representative and if she was bad last year she may as well have been satan's reincarnate this year. They'd fight back when they were bullied? Detention. Being half a second late to class? Detention. Swearing when stubbing a toe? Detention. Any minor issue with their uniforms? Detention. No matter what they did they could never avoid her, they were racking up more detentions than any other student in history. Though this time they weren't her only victim and the other kid's parents complained to the school and her detention-giving privileges were stripped away. Saying she was upset would be the understatement of the century, she'd constantly argue with the teachers and principal that she was the one keeping the school in order by not letting anyone off even for minor offenses, even though her uniform was almost always out of dress code. Thankfully the principal didn't cave in and he even threatened to strip her of her title of class rep which got her to shut up right quick.

The other students bullied them but it wasn't too bad, however one day they pushed too far. It was a normal Thursday morning, both Robin and Izuku had shown up to school early to wash their hair in the bathroom sinks and began their walk to class, they pushed the door open to find it. Piles of spider lilies planted on both their desk, coving their tables and chairs. Bakugou, who was walking behind them, saw said spider lilies and looked ten seconds away from exploding. However neither siblings could prepare themselves for the crude messages hidden under the flowers, they spent the beginning of class gathering the flowers and throwing them away. They didn't even get to tell a teacher what had happened before their teacher walked into the room and told them to stop their complaining and that they needed to get on with the lesson. The was by no means their classmates first time telling them to off themselves, but it was the first time they'd made it so obvious.

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