Chapter 27

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He smirked seeing me frozen solid of shocked caused by his appearance. Athletic body with a trim cut hairdo with silky black hair and brown sparkling eyes. Jeans, Sneakers of blue and white matching his uptown funkish shirt. I'd consider being darkness since he's always the goodie two shoes. Keenan freakin Runes. My identical twin brother.

"Hi bro! happy to see me?" He greeted with his devilishly tainted smile.

Suck it up man! be badass! my awesomeness pumps in. "uh! N-no!"

So much for being cool. I must not lose awesomeness! breathe! Maven! BREATHE! does a mind war cry. I've watched too much movies. Wasted half my life watching those donut like disks.

Did I mention exact mirror image of myself. Kinda my living reflection. He creeps me out sometimes. We got separated at the age of 8. Since Mom and Dad had their arguments and the family got torn apart. Only to find out Dad has a reserved wheel.

Alexis knew both of us well but they never came close that much unlike me.

"Maven, stop dreaming your Brother is talking" Alexis whispered. I hate to admit it but he's going to talk about achievements again. He does that a lot. I'm not jealous or anything. I'm annoyed by the fact the way he looks at me like he's better at everything than I do.

"I'm sleepy ima go back to sleep." I stated in front of everyone. They looked at me. As if I am just nothing. I go inside the room. Made sure it was locked. I broke down and cried. Filling my heart with guilt is just plain stupid but i'm doing it anyway. Why am I so useless to the people who never appreciates me. My parents never became proud of me. Not even once. All their attention was towards Francia and Keenan. Sigh. I'll Forever be alone...

"Maven, I know you're crying. Please let me in" Alexis yet again saves my day. Make that everyday.


I unlocked the door and quickly she went it and locked it again. I didn't make eye contact or whatsoever. I just cried and cried. My whole manhood got ruined but real people cries with or without help. She sits beside me and stared at me for some few second and her head turned up the ceiling. What's with the ceiling? its still just a ceiling.

"I miss you, The old you" she said in the most comfy way. The old me? I took cigarettes and liquor everyday for pete's sake why would she miss that?

"You were eager to change cause you said you were in love. Though I didn't know the person it made me happy. You were strong and very determined to go through any obstacle for that person but seeing you cry breaks my heart. Kinda the stupidest thing to say to you but its the truth. Cry all you want but i'll be here to wipe the tears okay?" her eyes just told me nothing but to reminisce. She caress my wet cheeks and kissed my forehead.

"It will be alright..." she whispered

What would I want more if I already have you? I'm just okay being in a one sided love. At least I'd just blame myself for this selfishness if it wouldn't turn out as I expect it would be but this? all of this? happens only once in a lifetime.


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